The Curse of Frankenstein

  • Horror
  • Science Fiction

The creature created by man and forgotten by nature!

Baron Victor Frankenstein has discovered life's secret and unleashed a blood-curdling chain of events resulting from his creation: a cursed creature with a horrid face — and a tendency to kill.





  • talisencrw

    This ended up being one of my favourites, both of Hammer Films in general, and of the works of both Sir Peter Cushing and Sir Christopher Lee. It still works cinematically, three generations later, as my 13-year-old son really enjoyed it as well. Though the filmmakers were forced to use other makeup rather than that copyrighted by Universal Studios in James Whale's masterpiece, that isn't problematic in the slightest for your enjoyment of the picture. Worth a purchase and rewatches either for fans of the genre in the slightest, of period pieces in general, or of the Mary Shelley novel. A fine work which is one of the best of director Fisher's career.

    May 20, 2016
  • John Chard

    Even if we dared to omit its landmark importance; it's still a terrific movie.

    The Curse Of Frankenstein is out of Hammer Film Productions and based on the novel Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley. It's directed by Terence Fisher, written by Jimmy Sangster and stars Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, Hazel Court & Robert Urquhart. Jack Asher is the cinematographer and James Bernard scores the music.

    The first Hammer film in colour, The Curse Of Frankenstein began the second wave of cinematic horror some 25 odd years after the Universal heyday of the 30s. Where Hammer's version differs from the Universal offerings, who were carefully watching what Hammer were doing, is by focusing on the Baron himself rather than the actual iconic creature. T...

    October 16, 2019
  • JPV852

    Entertaining if not also flawed monster horror film that excels in large part for Peter Cushing and Robert Urquhart, with the gothic atmosphere. Dialogue is a bit lackluster but liked the change up with the classic story and fun to see Christopher Lee as the "Creature". 3.5/5

    December 7, 2020
  • Wuchak

    Peter Cushing as the obsessed doctor and Christopher Lee his hideous creation

    This was the first Hammer horror flick in color and its success resulted in a resurgence of the classic Universal monsters reinterpreted from the British perspective with Hammers renowned lush colors. Speaking of Universal, the studio threatened a lawsuit if Hammer copied any elements from their classic version. This helped prevent the movie from copping a same-old, same-old vibe.

    Its popularity led to six sequels. The franchise includes: "The Curse of Frankenstein" (1957), "The Revenge of Frankenstein" (1958), "The Evil of Frankenstein" (1964), "Frankenstein Created Woman" (1967), "Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed" (1969), "The Horror of Frankenstein" ...

    May 18, 2024


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