
  • Drama
  • Horror

Can a full grown woman truly love a midget?

A circus' beautiful trapeze artist agrees to marry the leader of side-show performers, but his deformed friends discover she is only marrying him for his inheritance.





  • John Chard

    This is for the misfits the freaks and the runts.

    Tod Browning's Freaks is as infamous today as it was back in the 30s when it shook film watchers to the core. Of course time has diluted some of its impact, you can imagine that a modern day horror fan drooling over torture porn et al being completely bemused by the reputation afforded Freaks. Yet it still remains a unique and nightmarish piece of film making, the sort of picture that if someone like David Lynch had made it in the modern era it would be heralded as a masterpiece of daring and genius like artistry.

    Browning pulls us the viewers into this bizarre carnival society of oddities who are genuinely portrayed by real people. Their codes and ethics are laid bare, but not in some...

    April 26, 2014
  • tmdb17996075

    If I have to be honest, I'd say that I have uncertain opinions concerning this film on the whole. On the one hand, I can't say that I didn't enjoy 'Freaks', mainly because of its nice display of bizarre cast members. On the other hand, I can't help feeling slightly at fault, considering that these were real people who probably suffered a lot in their lives because of their malformations, something they obviously couldn't help. Here's a movie that basically became popular precisely because it's about real life 'freaks' (?) and here's the audience that somehow takes pleasure from a film that consciously makes profit out of unfortunate human beings. Being aware of this, I can't lie and say that I didn't enjoy this movie, because I honestly did...

    February 14, 2017


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