Stage Mother

  • Comedy
  • Drama

Sex, drag and rock & roll

A conservative church-choir director moves from Texas to San Francisco to run her deceased gay son's drag club.




  • Geronimo1967

    Jacki Weaver is "Maybeline", a pretty conservative Texan woman who discovers that her estranged, gay, son has died of an overdose in San Francisco. Despite the protestations of her husband "Jeb" she heads off to the funeral and begins to discover just how ("Ricky"), long-term boyfriend "Nathan" (Adrian Grenier) and best friend "Sienna" (Lucy Liu) have been living their lives - and of how he and "Nathan" had been running their own drag club. Initially she faces scepticism and hostility from all but "Sienna" - who sees an opportunity for a free babysitter - particularly as it transpires that her son had no will and so everything he had now belongs to her. Her husband just wants to sell it all, but she decides to try and make a go of it; and t...

    March 27, 2022


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