A Sense of History

  • Drama
  • Comedy


Jim Broadbent wrote and starred in this short film directed by none other than Mike Leigh. As a member of the landed gentry, the 23rd Earl of Leete has a duty to maintain and expand his lands. Shot in the style and manner of a BBC documentary, Broadbent tells his family history to the crew, who slowly come to realise - as do we - that things are not what they seem.





      • Geronimo1967

        There's something distinctly Churchillian about Jim Broadbent's rather engaging performance as the 23rd Earl of Leete. His rather grand exposé of their country estate (in front of an instantly recognisable Highcere) begins with the traditional "held in trust" kind of monologue, then the peer gradually drifts into a bit of familial character assassination that depicts his mother as a cough-medicine addict, his father as a rather stupid bully, and his elder brother - and the heir apparent - as a raging homosexual (even if he was 11 years old!). Anyway, with the estate in dire straits and his brother unlike to procreate, this seven year old Lord decides to dispose of his brother. Pigeon and rabbit shooting was a popular family pastime, so we n...

        February 17, 2024


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