This has quite an interesting premise to it. It centres on "Andrej" (Matej Zemljic), a young man whose life is pretty adrift. His parents and his school cannot manage him so he is sent to a detention centre where he initially falls foul of, then befriends "Zele" (Timon Sturbej). Now this fella is the local drug dealer, money lender and general hoodlum and "Andrej", though wayward, isn't that type of guy - he loves his pet rat! What seems to cement their bond is that the former becomes infatuated by the latter, and is soon acting as his enforcer. Thing is, is he just being used as a puppet by a "Zele" who is fully aware that his friend is smitten with him - indeed, even indulges it now and again - or might something meaningful come of it? Ze...