Despite a decent cast, 'SoulBoy' isn't a worthwhile watch.
It portrays a story that I feel like I've seen many times before, with much of it being quite predictable - even taking that element out, it's kinda cringey to watch unfold. Initially, it feels like a cheap attempt at replicating '<a href="https://letterboxd.com/film/kevin-perry-go-large/" rel="nofollow">Kevin & Perry Go Large</a>' and/or '<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Inbetweeners" rel="nofollow">The Inbetweeners</a>', though does in fairness deviate from that eventually. The 70s look, meanwhile, does come out well at least.
As for the onscreen talent, a pre-'<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_of_Duty" rel="nofollow">Line of Duty</a>' Martin Compston pla...