A Good Day to Die Hard

  • Action
  • Thriller

Yippee Ki-Yay Mother Russia

Iconoclastic, take-no-prisoners cop John McClane, finds himself for the first time on foreign soil after traveling to Moscow to help his wayward son Jack - unaware that Jack is really a highly-trained CIA operative out to stop a nuclear weapons heist. With the Russian underworld in pursuit, and battling a countdown to war, the two McClanes discover that their opposing methods make them unstoppable heroes.





  • Dark Jedi

    My god what a disappointment! The original movie had a script worth watching and some good action and special effects. This one, well this was a typical Hollywood script written by someone who either was incredibly stupid or just too arrogant to care. It is a script that I would expect from a SyFy channel production.

    There was absolutely nothing that made sense in this script. The actual plot about Chernobyl that was ludicrous to say the least. Im sure the special effects guys had a great day doing the car chase at the beginning but it was just exaggerated and silly to watch. Obviously there are no cops or anything in Moscow since they could drive around smashing cars forever without anyone seeming to care. They walk into Chernobyl and s...

    May 2, 2018
  • Wuchak

    Big, dumb, fun action flick in Russia dies hard to entertain

    RELEASED IN 2013 and directed by John Moore, "A Good Day to Die Hard" is the Third of (currently) five installments in the Die Hard series. In this one John McClane (Bruce Willis) travels to Moscow to aid his unruly son, Jack (Jai Courtney), only to discover that Jack is an undercover agent. Father & son team-up to stop a nuclear weapons heist. Sebastian Koch is on hand as a focal point in the heist.

    The Die Hard flicks fill the bill if you're in the mood for big, dumb, fun action thrills. Don't get me wrong because a lot of work goes into making these kinds of films and it takes talent & genius to pull them off. I mean "dumb" in the sense that the focus is on unbelievable a...

    June 17, 2018


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