Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

  • Fantasy
  • Horror
  • Action

Revenge is sweeter than candy.

After getting a taste for blood as children, Hansel and Gretel have become the ultimate vigilantes, hell-bent on retribution. Now, unbeknownst to them, Hansel and Gretel have become the hunted, and must face an evil far greater than witches... their past.





  • tanty

    Nice fantasy and action movie. Interesting to see again Gemma Arterton and good FX but nothing else to remark.

    June 28, 2013
  • Dark Jedi

    This is a movie which you watch for the action and the special effects and pretty much nothing else. As such it is a excellent movie. The original story of Hansel & Gretel is essentially only used to boot this movie. The movie itself plays out when Hansel & Gretel are adult witch hunters.

    The movie is pretty much action all the way. It is fairly violent and goory action at that. It is not a movie for the kids. To me this is an advantage. I do not think I would have liked it as much if they had dumbed it down to a standard PG-rated Hollywood creation. I really enjoyed the hard-ass Hansel & Gretel duo kicking witch ass in so many way.

    The special effects are not bad and the medieval yet kind of modern weaponry that Hansel & Gretel swing...

    January 11, 2018
  • Wuchak

    Kick axx continuation of the sylvan fairy tale about slaying diabolical witches

    In Medieval Germany, Hansel & Gretel (Jeremy Renner & Gemma Arterton) are now adults and formidable witch slayers, not to mention considered heroes in the community. When numerous children turn-up missing, they trace the problem to an unholy celebration orchestrated by a grand witch (Famke Janssen). Fetching Pihla Viitala plays a redhead villager accused of witchcraft.

    "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters" (2013) is a dark fantasy/action/comedy/horror that takes the German fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm and envisions events about twenty years later. Imagine the excellent Season of the Witch (2011) meshed with the fantasy elements of the fable and youd h...

    May 10, 2019
  • Geronimo1967

    This might have done better had they just stuck to a plain old witch-hunting adventure film, rather than embroil us in a rather dull familial back story that really just clutters the whole thing up. If you are familiar with the fairy tale, you will know that "Hansel" (Jeremy Renner) and sister "Gretel" (Gemma Arterton) were enticed to the house made of sweets by an evil witch. On the menu, luckily they are able to turn the tables on her and it is her who goes into the oven rather than them! Ten years on, and our siblings are legendary and regularly summoned to rid other villages of their menaces. It's on one such mission the they discover that an impending Blood Moon is going to empower an whole coven of witches who have already stolen a do...

    August 10, 2023


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