The Hitman's Bodyguard

  • Action
  • Comedy

Everyone's out to get them... If they don't kill each other first.

The world’s top bodyguard gets a new client, a hitman who must testify at the International Court of Justice. They must put their differences aside and work together to make it to the trial on time.





  • garethmb

    For professional Bodyguard Michael Bryce (Ryan Reynolds), life is good. As an elite member of his craft, he is well paid and lives a very good life keeping high-profile targets safe the world over. When things unexpectedly take a turn we find Michael two years on having hit the skids and struggling to claw his way back to prominence in the new film The Hitmans Bodyguard. Things become complicated for Michael as a despotic tyrant named Dukhovich (Gary Oldman) is on trial for war crimes and countless atrocities, and is about to go free due to removing all those who would be able to testify against him with credible evidence.  That is with the exception of one Darius Kincaid (Samuel L. Jackson).  Darius is incarcerated but makes a deal to tes...

    August 18, 2017
  • Ruuz

    The Hitman's Bodyguard is getting absolutely flensed by the critics, including several of whom I personally value the opinion of very highly. But when it comes to The Hitman's Bodyguard, I gotta flat out disagree. It's not out here changing lives for the better, and it's hardly gonna ride out the year on a palanquin of Oscar nominations, but I had a seriously enjoyable time with The Hitman's Bodyguard. Jackson and Reynolds worked. The leads and their respective romantic entanglements worked. Most of all, director Patrick Hughes worked his ass of to blend comedy, action and romance and have it pay off. This isn't Hughes' best work though, if you want to see that, check out 2010's Red Hill.

    Final rating: - I liked it. Would personally recommend you give it a go.

    August 28, 2017
  • Rangan

    Once upon a time two sworn enemies teamed up!

    Maybe the critics are right, but like usual, I don't have to agree with them. This is a nice film, not a great film as a few people lauding. It is entertaining. All the stunts were good, comedies were good enough, but the basic plot itself a cliche. Yes, anybody aged 20+ would surely have seen many similar storied films. It's just in another time with another cast and crew. They had promoted it so well. So the result was incredible. But in reality JUST one time watchable film with not expecting serious laughs.

    Initially I thought it could be this year's 'The Nice Guys', and they are about to repeat the same magic of Crowe and Gosling duo. But it was different. Too hard hitting, just wh...

    February 4, 2018
  • msbreviews


    July 15, 2021


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