
  • Horror
  • Thriller

Who's tracking you?

Inside a darkened house looms a column of TVs littered with VHS tapes, a pagan shrine to forgotten analog gods. The screens crackle and pop endlessly with monochrome vistas of static white noise permeating the brain and fogging concentration. But you must fight the urge to relax: this is no mere movie night. Those obsolete spools contain more than just magnetic tape. They are imprinted with the very soul of evil.





  • LastCaress1972

    Are you just about done with the anthology horror mini-revival? Sick to death of cinéma vérité? Well... I was about to say, "Move along, then; there's nothing for you here," but that wouldn't be fair on this movie OR you. If you're through with first-person perspective found-footage portmanteau horrors then fine, but just stay for one more. Please? Because it's a belter, this one.

    Last year's V/H/S was IMO terrific, but it had its flaws. The wraparound story and the first story proper gave the movie a disturbing early feeling of misogyny thanks to both stories' protagonists having sexual gratification of one manner or another as their principal reason for filming their actions, the film's running time struggled to cope with six tales bei...

    August 11, 2013
  • Ruuz

    In the past I have only ever reviewed anthology films as a whole, and by-and-large that's probably what I'll go back to doing in the future, but having just watched the last three quarters of the original V/H/S, then V/H/S/2 and V/H/S: Viral all in one sitting, it all sort of bleeds together and I mostly can't remember which one belongs where, so at least for now, I'm gonna try giving some very, very short reviews for each segment, rather than the overall films.

    Tape 49: The framing device. These were always the silliest part of the franchise. It doesn't work very well as a jumping off point, and it doesn't work at all as a self-contained narrative.

    Phase I Clinical Trials: Much better stuff from Adam Wingard, has some o...

    March 14, 2019


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