In the Name of the King 2: Two Worlds

  • Adventure
  • Fantasy
  • Drama
  • Action

Fight to the End

Granger, an ex-Special Forces soldier gets thrown back to medieval times to fulfill an ancient prophecy. Venturing through the now war torn Kingdom of Ehb, he teams up with an unlikely band of allies with the goal of slaying the leader of the "Dark Ones". Fighting against all odds, they must free the land from the grasp of the evil tyrant Raven and save the world.





  • FilipeManuelNeto

    Fight... to get to the end of the movie.

    After having managed to find some redeeming values in the first film, In the Name of The King: a Dungeon Siege Tale, I decided to also give its sequel a chance, also directed by Uwe Boll and, I thought, a likely sequel worthy of the first movie. However, the production was fatally injured by the brutal budget cut, perhaps due to the reception that the first film received from the public. These considerations do not, however, clear the director of his own weaknesses. Boll may not be a complete incompetent, I still don't know him well enough to evaluate him, but I've already realized from these two films that he's not particularly brilliant.

    The script takes us back to the kingdom of Ehb, and...

    February 26, 2023


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