Kingsman: The Golden Circle

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Comedy
  • Crime
  • Thriller
  • Science Fiction

A proper spy movie.

When an attack on the Kingsman headquarters takes place and a new villain rises, Eggsy and Merlin are forced to work together with the American agency known as the Statesman to save the world.





  • Ruuz

    This Kingsman sequel might not be an outright terrible movie, but it is a massive disappointment. Virtually every enjoyable aspect of the first movie has been either turned down to and unsatisfyingly low level, or blasted way the fuck up into the realm of off-putting nonsense. The Golden Circle somehow manages to both underserve all of its elements, while still feeling far too long. A couple of good fights, nice suits and maybe a single laugh can be found throughout the movie, but it does not do the original one iota of justice.

    Final rating:½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didnt quite work as a whole.

    December 29, 2017
  • Dark Jedi

    This is indeed a silly, even childish at time, movie but to me it was also a really really fun movie to watch.

    The movie starts by the Kingsman organisation getting screwed over royally by the psychopathic Poppy Adams which forces what remains of the organisation, all two people, to work with their counterpart in the United States. Just as the Kingsmen are parodies on the stiff upper lip British gentleman the Statesmen are parodies of the southern US gentleman (if you can actually call them that) only even more so. Maybe it is my European heritage but I personally feel the Kingsmen are fairly cool where the drawling Statesmen are more on the silly side.

    Once again Eggsy is the main character although I have to say that I personally like H...

    February 20, 2018
  • FilipeManuelNeto

    A mix of glaring errors and notable qualities, in a film that is fun enough to watch and forget soon after.

    I'm not really aware of the box office results achieved by Kingsman, but I can guess that they were quite good, guaranteeing the continuation of what was already seen as a potential franchise. And so, here we are looking at his second film, a logical continuation of the story of the first.

    We see an attempt to smooth out some rough edges that were criticized in the first film: unlike what happened before, and except for some more bizarre deaths, it is a more serious bet on the family segment, with no problems regarding graphic violence and gore. Matthew Vaughn did a satisfactory job of balancing action and humor, and reinfor...

    March 27, 2024
  • Geronimo1967

    Picking up from the first story, "Eggsy" (Taron Egerton) is now working for a new team of agents led by Sir Michael Gambon ("Arthur") and living, happily, with "Princess Tilde" (Hanna Alström). A cab journey one night, though, reintroduces him to his fellow trainee "Charlie" (Edward Holcroft) who now has an interesting new arm - and still clearly bears a grudge. Why? Well it appears that the mysterious Golden Circle might be behind it, so it falls to "Eggsy" to investigate. Tragedy ensues - big style - and he and "Merlin" (Mark Strong) head to the USA where they encounter a sister organisation "Statesman" where "Tequila" (Channing Tatum) and "Whiskey" (Pedro Pascal) work for "Champ" (Jeff Bridges) - and they discover another fairly surprisi...

    May 30, 2024


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