American Made

  • Comedy
  • Crime
  • Drama

It's not a felony if you're doing it for the good guys.

The true story of pilot Barry Seal, who transported contraband for the CIA and the Medellin cartel in the 1980s.





  • fung0

    American Made is a peculiar film, but a very enjoyable one. It takes a playful, satirical look at the origins of the notorious 'Iran-Contra' affair, through the eyes of pilot Barry Seal. Along the ways we get thrills, laughs, astonishing (true-life) twists and turns and some vivid characters.

    Even if you followed the public Iran-Contra scandal, you may be unfamiliar with the story of Seal, who started running guns for the CIA years before the familiar public scandal erupted. American Made is a fast, breezy, amoral look at the ins and outs of a covert operation made to go wrong. There's no judgment here; in fact, we come to like Seal's crazy make-it-up-as-you-go-along approach to flying, to crime and to life in general.

    Tom Cruise is...

    December 31, 2017
  • GenerationofSwine

    It's always kind of fun seeing Tom Cruise in a role where he has to actually act and not just do the action phone-in-emotion thing...because he is capable of being a decent actor and not just a pretty-boy action star.

    And, in this he was a decent actor.

    And the result is a very enjoyable and fun period piece that has just as much drama as it does action and comedy, which allows the time dedication to slip buy unnoticed.

    It's actually pretty rare that you can watch a film this long and not really feel like you're watching a long film.

    The only real downside is that the end hits you a bit abruptly, a bit too abruptly for the build up...but who cares when the build-up is this enjoyable.

    January 14, 2023


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