Thakka Thakka begins with Thulasi (Leema Babu), a teenaged girl, being sold to a pimp by her own father. This initial segment, detailing the harrowing experiences of the girl, is the strongest portion in the film. Even if the arc (a young woman who raises her child in a brothel and gives up her life trying to save him) is something that has been seen a few times, the filmmaking, enhanced by the moody lighting by cinematographer Sujith Sarang, is pretty solid.
The film cuts to the present where we see Thulasi's son Sathya (Vikranth), who has grown up to become a worker in a small hotel. His friend Karthi (Aravinnd), who is also an orphan, is in love with Indu (Abhinaya), a medic. However, Indu's mother (Uma Padmanabhan) plans to marry her...