Appallingly cliched. Slow and boring. Not even the Conjuring hype could save this film. It moves forward at a painful pace, brings nothing new to the table, and is not even scary.
A priest with a haunted past and a novice on the threshold of her final vows are sent by the Vatican to investigate the death of a young nun in Romania and confront a malevolent force in the form of a demonic nun.
Appallingly cliched. Slow and boring. Not even the Conjuring hype could save this film. It moves forward at a painful pace, brings nothing new to the table, and is not even scary.
Overall I liked The Nun it was a spooky fun movie with some pretty good shots and scenes (lighting, camera angles, and such). The transitions from one scene to another was a bit off and the story overall had a more fantasy tone over the more grounded and realistic tone The Conjuring and Annabelle movies had. Much of the story felt like it was just forced to setup a shot or scene which does hurt it. It isn't a perfect movie but I'd watch it again. It is like Indiana Jones meets Silent Hill. None of the character actors felt out of place or superficial either, I really appreciate that. Everyone felt believable and natural to their roles and environment, not forced.
Horror is baaaaack! And with a vengeance.
The Nun is not for people that dont like horror movies or burnt out on them. Don't expect character development either. Don't expect to be shock like you were when you watched The Exorcist. Ive read several critic reviews were they just dont get it. They use words to describe it like using every trick in the horror trope or predictable, throwing the kitchen sink at, or not enough character development. Well forget what you heard because there is more bite to this movie than youd expect.
Okay, so we begin with a spooky opening sequence where two nuns are fighting to save humanity from a malevolent presence that is about to enter our world. One is dragged into a room and the other commits sui...
I wanted to like this movie because it's connected to Conjuring movies, but it was awful, even from the start it was obvious.
It was a dull, boring movie with cheap jump scares. The only reason I'm giving it 4 and not 3, because it was shot nicely and acting wasn't that bad.
The Nunjuring!
When a young nun at a cloistered abbey in Romania takes her own life, a priest with a haunted past and a novitiate on the threshold of her final vows are sent by the Vatican to investigate...
So here we have the latest spin-off from the one time high quality "Conjuring" franchise. Sticking strictly to a formula that will either infuriate or satiate horror genre fans, "The Nun" delivers enough creepy boo-jump tropes to keep it above average. There's plenty of roaming about dark corridors and churchyards, with lanterns our only prominent saviours from the terrors of the dark. If, and it's a big if, you don't mind that Corin Hardy's film isn't trying to raise the bar for horror, and is in fact staying safe, then there's a ...
Not the literal worst entry in the series (that laurel still rests firmly upon the crown of Annabelle) and there was a couple of cool design moments, like creepy hands busting out of statues, even the acting is of acceptable level. But that's about everything positive I can say for The Nun, 'cause this is pretty dang bad.
Final rating: - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product.
It looks like they attempted to make an inoffensive horror movie...not really in the PC sense of the word, but in the "we are going to do just enough to get an 'R' rating in an otherwise PG movie" sense of the word.
It's not really frightening. It's not really scary, it's not really gory, and the nun herself is not really ominous.
It just sort of is.
And, really, it could be a lot better.
'The Nun' is a let down. Based upon the glimpses we kept getting of this character in the preceding films from 'The Conjuring' universe, I was looking forward to seeing a movie about this character. Sadly, it's not a good watch.
Demián Bichir, Taissa Farmiga (surname makes sense, I did think that she looked like Vera) and Jonas Bloquet aren't the worst actors to follow, in fact I didn't mind them, but their performances and their characters are equally forgettable. No-one else makes a mark onscreen.
How Valak is portrayed is the issue, the close-ups really do take the creep factor away - same can be said for when the demons speak too, that village idiot line is very out of place. I do approve that The Nun moves about though, which is ...