
  • Drama
  • History




  • Rangan

    Uncovering the sins committed by whom the millions of people believe in.

    A documentary film would show the real faces of those offenders to shame them. That's the reason I desperately wanted it to be a documentary, then I would have definitely given a maximum mark. There's no complaint about this movie, but adaptation means fakes acting, fake settings and awards goes to non real achievers. Anyway, this movie kind looked a semi documentary and liked the way it was made.

    The movie exposed a very important scandal. If something is open for a debate in the US means, the rest of the world would follow the same route. That's where this theme was inspired by. It all begins with a group of journalists from the Boston Globe with their new ed...

    February 24, 2016
  • tanty

    Spotlight story is interesting and has a good cast which performs very well, but the feeling of the story is flat.

    First, they are talking about abuses to children but you feel almost the whole time that they are following the lead of any other story almost as bureaucrats. There is not much of sensitivity put into the matter.

    Second, they are exposing a huge case of system "missbehavior" (to say the least) in the Catholic Church hierarchy and you see how the whole city of Boston is treating this institution with great care. Then, this movie is about showing to the world how the exposition was done and the treatment to the Catholic Church is almost as exquisite as the one that has enabled this institution to hide all this cases.


    April 11, 2016
  • mattwilde123

    This was a very shocking and well made film. It is about the scandal involving a cover-up of Catholic priests molesting children in the Boston area. I was surprised with the delicate nature of the film's script and how well it was handled. It had a very solid ensemble cast which helped make the film moving and horrific in parts.

    I am glad that a film like this won Best Picture at the Academy Awards as it had a very important message (even if I was rooting for 'The Revenant').

    March 9, 2017
  • nutshell

    A true account of the Boston Globe's investigative reporting on the vatican's approval of sexual predator priests over many decades. Disturbing to say the least. Excellent performances from Mark Ruffalo and Michael Keaton. It's easy for movies like this to get bogged down in the details but the pacing here is remarkably fluid, just a bit over 2 hours very well spent.

    August 10, 2019
  • tmdb40011370

    A friend recommended this film to me. I was reluctant because I am no big fan of Micheal Keaton. But I watched it anyway purely because of the disturbing subject matter.

    Clearly this cover-up resonates throughout the US a great deal, but living in England for most of my life I don't think the shocking revelations ever rang out much other than for a random story-line that probably got buried after the immediate events of 9/11.

    I won't repeat the story here because other reviewers have already covered that; but what I really admired about the film was how very underplayed it felt throughout. The pacing, the somber soundtrack, the unhurried editing, even the narration all helped capture the suffocating mood of the story as it unraveled ...

    December 8, 2019


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