The Danish Girl

  • Drama

Find the courage to be yourself.

When Gerda Wegener asks her husband Einar to fill in as a portrait model, Einar discovers the person she's meant to be and begins living her life as Lili Elbe. Having realized her true self and with Gerda's love and support, Lili embarks on a groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer.





  • Rangan

    An important biopic, but not inspiring.

    Before this film hitting the screens, I remember many experts were expecting it doing well at the Oscars. Now it's got 4 Oscar nods, even though it is very sad the movie is a hit and miss. A slipped away opportunity, had a great storyline, but the outcome was decent. An important historical biopic, at least for a certain section of the audience. I respect that, but it did not impress me as I anticipated.

    From the Academy Award winning director for the movie 'The King's Speech', and the last year's winner for a lead role, Eddie Reddmayne together did not deliver the expected masterpiece. But Alicia Vikander was so good, another brilliant co-female-star display just like Felicity Jones from Eddi...

    February 24, 2016
  • SodaCreekFilm

    "You helped bring Lili to life, but she was always there."

    The Danish Girl certainly took a long time getting to the big screen. The script went through dozens of iterations after David Ebershoffs book was first was optioned. The cast changed numerous times. Directors passed it back and forth. Finally, after fifteen years of floating around, Tom Hoopers film was released. And while the lead performances were brilliant, the film itself felt a bit flat. And weirdly, this seems to be something we say far too often about films that take a long time to get to the silver screen. Join us Pete Wright and Andy Nelson as we wrap up our Transgender series with Hoopers 2015 film The Danish Girl.

    We talk about what works in the film, but we ...

    February 2, 2017
  • FilipeManuelNeto

    Highly militant, a more neutral film would have been better.

    This is a difficult film to comment on. On the one hand, and speaking exclusively from a technical point of view, it is a really good and well-made film. On the other hand, I have many questions and points of disagreement that prevent me from really approving it. And the reader better be ready to disagree healthily with what I write, because I'm not used to hiding what I think, or amputating my opinions under the guillotine of political correctness.

    I know that the film was acclaimed when it came out and that the publicity machine sold it very well. I also know that it is one of the most beloved films in the GLBT (and all the letters and symbols they want to add) communi...

    November 29, 2022


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