Zone Troopers

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction
  • War

They Take War To A New Dimension.

American soldiers, led by The Sarge, are stuck behind Nazi enemy lines. As they make their way across the Italian countryside, they come across an alien spaceship that has crash-landed in the woods. The alien pilot is dead, but one of the ship's passengers is on the loose. As the GIs hunt down the alien by splitting into smaller groups, they're not only tracked by the Nazis, but also a whole host of other aliens come to save their stranded party.





  • CharlesTatum

    This sci-fi/war film is a perfect example of the word "average." This is average in every way.

    Tim Thomerson is the Sarge in charge of a squad during WWII in Europe. His men are ambushed and only three others survive: Timothy Van Patten, Art LaFleur, and Biff Manard. Van Patten is an aw-shuckser who reads pulp sci-fi comics. LaFleur is the tough corporal, and Manard is the combat reporter. The group knows they are behind enemy lines, but they do not know where because all of their compasses are out of whack, due to some strange happenings in the nearby forest. LaFleur and Manard are captured by the Nazis and discover an alien as their fellow prisoner. At the same time, Thomerson and Van Patten stumble upon a crashed space ship. Thomerson...

    July 15, 2023


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