Dream Deceivers: The Story Behind James Vance vs. Judas Priest

  • Documentary

Heavy Metal Goes On Trial

A chilling post mortem on the tragic case of two teenagers who decided to shoot themselves in the head with a shotgun, and the ensuing court case staged to place the blame on the heavy metal band Judas Priest.



      • Wuchak

        Scapegoating a metal band for the misguided suicide pact of 2 delinquents who abused alcohol & drugs

        Dream Deceivers: The Story Behind James Vance vs. Judas Priest (1992) is a one hour documentary of the infamous Reno, Nevada, trial that took 5.5 weeks in the middle of summer 1990. Just before Christmas in 1985 two youths in a suburb of Reno shoot themselves under the chin in a curious suicide pact. The 18 year-old dies immediately while the 20 year-old survives, albeit with a horribly disfigured face. Almost five years later the parents take Judas Priest to court, suggesting that the band was responsible for the tragedy due to a subliminal message of "do it" in the song "Better by You, Better than Me," a Spooky Tooth cover from th...

        October 27, 2019
