State Secret

  • Thriller


Visiting in England, an American surgeon Doctor John Marlowe is decoyed to a middle European country, and discovers the operation he is to perform is on the Vosnian dictator. When the latter dies, he is replaced by a look-alike, but Marlowe then becomes the object of a shoot-to-kill, vicious pursuit by the secret police of Vosnia since it is vital to Vosnia that the dictator's death does not become known. Fleeing, he seeks help from an actress, Lisa Robinson, and the two are harried across the countryside.



  • Geronimo1967

    Douglas Fairbanks Jr. is "Dr. John Marlowe", lauded by the largely unknown state of Vosnia after he develops an unique form of medical procedure. When he travels there to collect his gong, he finds himself amidst a plot in this totalitarian state to prolong the life of their leader "General Niva". Regardless of what happens, he cannot be left alive to tell a tale, and when this dawns on him, he must escape. Fortunately, he alights of Glynis Johns - an English speaking cabaret dancer and with the help of the suitably sleazy Herbert Lom, they make for the border with Jack Hawkins and his soldiers hot on their heals. I enjoyed this, at times it is a suspenseful drama with enough intrigue to sustain it as they face a few perils on their escapad...

    December 27, 2022


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