The Wolf of Wall Street

  • Crime
  • Drama
  • Comedy

Earn. Spend. Party.

A New York stockbroker refuses to cooperate in a large securities fraud case involving corruption on Wall Street, corporate banking world and mob infiltration. Based on Jordan Belfort's autobiography.





  • atclubsilencio

    The Wolf of Wall Street is so addicting to watch, that even with it's 3 hour long run time, you wont be surprised if you end up watching it four days in a row. <br> This is Scorsese letting loose and having fun, showing all of the debauchery (and man, is there a lot) in all of it's glory. There are orgies, sex, nudity, copious amounts of drug use, and it now holds the record for the most use of fuck in any film. <br> Leonardo DiCaprio gives a towering and hilarious performance as Jordan Belfort. He throws himself into the role with free abandon, while also showing that he's aces when it comes to comic timing and physical comedy. If he doesn't win an Oscar this season I'll be quite upset, though Matt from Dallas Buyers Club right...

    January 26, 2014
  • tanty

    An excessive movie in all possible senses with breath taking Margot Robbie and Jonah Hill which is not long in spite of its 3h length but which ends not knowing exactly which is the point of the story.

    February 3, 2014
  • tmdb39513728

    Voracious Bull

    Every time I try to enjoy a Martin Scorcese movie post-1980 I ask myself what made Raging Bull so great? Did Marty burn out after his Jake LaMotta bio, the same way Coppola did after Apocalypse Now? These were risky movies, driven by passion, bordering on madness. Did Marty and Francis lose their natural passion for making films because industry priorities dismissed 70's-style hyper-realism for sensational summer blockbusters and CGI spectacles? And why is Scorcese considered one of the greatest director when he really only made one truly superb movie?

    When I first saw Raging Bull in 1980 I immediately knew I was watching something that transcended the typical cinematic experience. Genius was shimmering out of...

    January 9, 2015
  • r96sk

    I didn't care for the characters, but I damn did have a great time watching 'The Wolf of Wall Street'. It's absolutely nuts, and I mean that in a positive way.

    Leonardo DiCaprio simply never puts an acting foot wrong, this is the sixth film I've seen of his and I love (fwiw: all 9/10+) them all. Phenomenal actor! He is outstanding here as Jordan Belfort, the guy this film is based upon. As noted, I didn't really ever care for Jordan but DiCaprio makes it impossible not to enjoy watching events throughout.

    Jonah Hill (Donnie) comes in with a very good performance, the type of which I hadn't previously seen from him; closest being, in terms of quality, 'Moneyball'. Margot Robbie, meanwhile, isn't easy to forget as Naomi. Though none of ...

    March 14, 2021
  • sporkproductions

    When I'm Scorsese's age I just hope to still be able to chew my food and go to the bathroom unassisted. That he can still make some of the most cutting edge, visceral, and enjoyable films out there is stunning.

    Is this his best film? No. But, even a mediocre film for him is better than 99% of the movies being made.

    The performances are super-fun, the pace is relentless, the visual flare is incredible, and the story is fascinating. Is there a discussion to be had about the immorality being glamorized by this film? Sure. That's the case for a lot of his films (and a lot of films in general). We could debate his intentions with the outcome and what the film is saying about our society all day but that's another discussion. Is the film a joy to watch? Yes! It definitely is.

    August 13, 2021
  • TitanGusang

    An amazing bio pic of Jordan Belfort that has everything you'll ever want: comedy, drama, romance, heart and the list goes on. This movie was an absolute joy. The acting was superb in this movie all around. Leonardo DiCaprio gives one of his best performances of his career. Jonah Hill and Margo Robbie were fantastic! For a movie that was almost three hours, it flew by and was incredibly engaging. I can not believe it took me this long to see it.

    Score: 90% Verdict: Excellent

    July 26, 2022


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