
  • Romance
  • Science Fiction
  • Drama


In the not so distant future, Theodore, a lonely writer, purchases a newly developed operating system designed to meet the user's every need. To Theodore's surprise, a romantic relationship develops between him and his operating system. This unconventional love story blends science fiction and romance in a sweet tale that explores the nature of love and the ways that technology isolates and connects us all.





  • treestannn

    The opposite of garbage

    May 30, 2014
  • kineticandroid

    In the run-up to me seeing this, I heard a lot of people saying simply this was "a film about relationships." I feel like that holds up quite well. More specifically, I felt like "Her" is a film about why relationships end. Using a motto I picked up from too many Dan Savage podcasts, all relationships end not fail, just end until one doesn't. Some end because someone is hurt. Some end because the people have grown into people that don't connect in the same way, and the biggest challenge in that case can be just accepting the change in a partner and in the self. ...So why couch this theme in science-fiction? I think it helps clarify Jonze's idea of what people look for during the first moments of a relationship someone who acts a bright, ...

    June 21, 2014
  • tmdb39513728

    Not a Keeper

    The Academy of Motion Picture Arts needs to return to limiting Best Picture contenders to five nominations, which always fell in line with the five Best Director nominees. Having ten casts too wide a net and allows squeakers like "Her" to slip in.

    Spike Jonze needs to return to doing what he does best, and that is direct films written by Charlie Kaufman. "Her" is mundane and uninspired. "She" is drastically inferior to "Adaptation" and "Spotless Mind" and only somewhat better than John Malkovich flirting with Siri. Her has little to offer on the subjects of digital addiction, imaginary companions, internet porn, the singularity, long-distance love affairs, servitude fantasies, or post-modern love in general. Joaquin P...

    February 4, 2015
  • tanty

    This was a really unexpected surprise. The cast is great, specially Joaquim Phoenix, which is a great actor.

    The story is simple but well told and the photography, style and design of the movie has been taken into account until the smallest detail. Very well done movie.

    May 17, 2015
  • HikariWS

    I can feel what Spike wanted to achieve. It starts with Theodore feeling he's superior to Samantha, as he's a living human being and she's a software. Then he understand she has emotions and is real, and just doesn't have a body. Then she talks how not having a body is better because she's not limited by one. Then she's capable to talking to hundreds of ppl and softwares and love hundreds of them together. To finally human life itself become obsolete and a burden to them so that they must leave it for good.

    This is Spike's illustration of all the guesses of what's life and emotions, and if a computer could have real emotions and be alive. So, instead of thinking computers as inferior to us trying to reach us, he shows a world where compu...

    March 7, 2021
  • janeyee

    Spike Jonze's 'Her' is a profound meditation on love and relationships, set in a near-future where the lines between human and artificial intelligence blur. Joaquin Phoenix delivers a poignant performance as Theodore, a lonely man navigating the complexities of intimacy through his relationship with Samantha, an operating system voiced by Scarlett Johansson. This film is not your typical romance; it's a thought-provoking journey through the human condition, exploring the depths of loneliness, the need for connection, and the bittersweet nature of love.

    While it's billed as sci-fi, 'Her' is deeply rooted in the emotional and existential. The futuristic setting is believably close, mirroring our own growing dependence on technology for com...

    December 25, 2023


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