13 Reasons Why

  • Drama
  • Mystery




  • Rangan

    When everyone influence in everyone's life!

    SEASON 01:

    Yeah, I'm from the walkman era. The cassettes, tape recorder, I've lived in the final days of that time enjoying all of them. I still have some old tapes saved somewhere that I've to locate them, but I've no device to place them. Anyway, when I heard about this series, how those previous technology was used to narrate a thriller drama, I was so happy. Each episode named after the how many tapes used, and its sides. Maybe the new generation won't understand that. Though the story matters, what it was focused and unfolding the truth, the message was great.

    One of the top rated debut from the 2017. The Netflix usually strikes the gold, and so with this. After so many goo...

    February 4, 2018
  • Kewl_Kat

    13 Reasons Why does indeed make suicide seem glamorous. It's a dangerous message. Hannah Baker made a lot of bad choices throughout the series. She was attracted to dangerous, selfish boys, she dismissed the nice ones, and failed to help her friend as she was being violated just a few feet away in the same room. She drank herself silly, put importance in stupid, shallow things and then decided the best place to strip down to her bra and panties was in the hot tub of the very same boy who she just watched rape her friend. As she is taking it deep in her sniz from behind, is she really surprised? Of course, there is never an excuse to rape. However, a female must be aware of risky situations. If you are prone to getting black-out drunk or sto...

    June 10, 2018
  • tmdb18104390

    The rollercoaster that started with Hannah Baker and her titular motivations that drove her to suicide has finally come to a full stop. Everyone involved in the infamous tapes are damaged beyond repair, regardless what happinesses they find, and no one more than our protagonist Clay Jensen, whose conflict takes on the most phantasmagorical in the final ten episodes.

    For a show that's gone on as long as 13 Reasons Why (and, let's be real, it really didn't need to surpass one season), the melodrama keeps piling on. The first season is not without its faults but it's superior to everything that follows. Season 2 was one long, dragged out snoozer that hit no bumps until the finale, which brought us what is singlehandedly the most uncom...

    June 15, 2022
  • GenerationofSwine

    So, what we have here is a game of blame. A blame game that pushes the responsibility for a suicide from the individual to everyone else, almost saying that the decision to off oneself is made by others.

    And then, as if to draw the biggest difference between Millennials and everyone else, it almost goes out of its way to say that people don't base their views on what everyone else thinks are wrong for being independently minded.

    The message is clear, let others think for you unto your death.

    January 14, 2023
  • Ditendra

    Short Summery: TV show started good, but turned into crap woke political show.

    1. Season is okay
    2. Season is better
    3. Season is bad and started showing signs of woke propaganda
    4. Season is worst and is a pure propaganda

    Before you continue reading, be aware my review will contain spoilers.

    I watched first season and this is the conclusion I made from these series: Hannah Baker (girl who killed herself) was a drama queen who made a lot of mistakes, weren't very bright in her head and instead of making things right, she decided to end her own life and blame others. She was definitely a stupid girl. Who doesn't get bullied in school? I got bullied too when I was a kid. I'm pretty sure lots of you got bullied too, but i...

    December 7, 2023


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