
  • Drama
  • Comedy

Normal is overrated.

Sam, an 18-year-old on the autism spectrum, takes a funny, yet painful, journey of self-discovery for love and independence and upends his family.




  • narrator56

    This show was recommended to us b a relative who have a daughter who resides in the autistic spectrum. Our daughter is atypically autistic herself, but with deafness and a learning disability, she doesnt resemble Sam much at all.

    It is a very good program overall. We watched the three seasons fairly quickly. I must admit that having Sam talk into the camera at the beginning of every episode, and sometimes during the show, got rather old for me. But it serves the purpose of introducing the theme of each episode, and can fill in details rather quickly. A few of the supporting characters are interesting and they all do a good job, even if a couple of them are nearly stereotypical rather than just Sams atypical.

    So I recommend the show a...

    April 24, 2021
  • Adson68

    The heartwarming story of Sam, a boy with autism, and his over-protective mother, dependable father, caring sister, and loyal friend. The character development is solid and the predicaments Sam finds himself in are natural and uncontrived.

    A welcome and unjudgmental look into the daily operation of an autistic person. Sometimes he's right, sometimes he's wrong, and the show does a good job of showing the impact he has on others and the impact others have on him.

    September 6, 2022


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