Big Little Lies

  • Drama




  • Rangan

    A BIG mystery surrounding LITTLE kids and their LIES.

    SEASON 01:

    I neither read the book nor I knew the story. So this was a surprise mini-series. As far I've heard, this one was the finest adaptation. The best ever cast and the episodes were well split with each one had a great opening and the ending. The suspense kept me alive till the final episode, final scene. Meanwhile, I made some guesses, but most of them did not happen. In my opinion, it should have been a feature film duology. Then it would have been considered one of the best film series, as well as mystery film. And the Oscars, Golden Globes would have poured in. Now it got record 14 Emmy nods and I'm waiting for the result.

    Well, it all started as a normal drama ab...

    July 30, 2017


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