Earth Mama

  • Drama




  • Brent_Marchant

    This is one of those films that leaves me with decidedly mixed feelings. Its definitely a showcase for writer-director Savanah Leaf, whose considerable artistic sensibilities are clearly apparent in her first feature outing. The same can be said for lead actress Tia Nomore, making her screen debut in a genuinely moving performance. Unfortunately, the vehicle in which their talents are being put to use could stand to be better. This story of the bureaucratic turmoil faced by a single mother in recovery whos pregnant with her third child (and her first two in foster care) sincerely seeks to evoke viewer empathy for the circumstances shes enduring. At the same time, though, the story also raises many questions about responsibility (or a lack t...

    December 19, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    Tia Nomore delivers strongly here in this otherwise rather unremarkable drama about "Gia". She's a woman expecting her third child in San Francisco, with the other two already in the care system and she seems to be thinking this latest one will be adopted. We have no idea where the child's father is - indeed, men don't feature much at all in this film - so we are quickly immersed in her sense of isolation and loneliness from the start. It's not an emotionally charged, woe-is-me, sort of loneliness - it's more of a realisation that she wants to be on her own, thrives better on her own, won't get let down on her own. The thrust of the narrative now attempts to confront that approach and demonstrate to her that there are plenty amongst her com...

    January 6, 2024


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