Easter Bunny Massacre

  • Mystery
  • Horror


A group of friends hiding a deadly secret are hunted down one by one by a bunny masked killer.




      • Wuchak

        A killer bunny-man is loose at a cabin-in-the-woods in England

        A year after graduating high school, several youths in England are invited to a vacation home by a mutual friend thought to be dead. They all show up due to guilt, along with a couple guests, but a mysterious person in a huge bunny mask starts picking em off one-by-one. Will anyone survive?

        "Easter Bunny Massacre" (2021) is a low-budget Brit slasher with no-name actors influenced by I Know What You Did Last Summer and "I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer" just with a cabin-in-the-woods setting.

        I saw the directors previous film and was impressed by the relative proficient filmmaking so decided to give this a shot. The technical quality is actually a slight s...

        March 15, 2024
