Mortadelo & Filemon: The Big Adventure

  • Action
  • Comedy


In the Headquarters of the T.I.A. (Terminal Intelligence Agency), someone has stolen Professor Bacterio's most dangerous invention, the D.O.T. (Demoralizer of Troops), an artifact that ends up in the hands of a very short, wacky dictator who is ready to use it for criminal purposes. The T.I.A Chief, though, is firm in his resolve: if he wants to get the D.O.T. back, he must NOT count on his agents Mortadelo & Filemon. But when the crime fighting duo discover that the T.I.A. has engaged a cocky and slimy detective from outside the agency, they decide to act at their own risk, even if that risk involves all of Humanity.




  • abaddonhades

    I understand the fact that this movie is a crazy-comedy,and it's easy to see that the slapstick-comedy and sight-gags are very much inspired by Tom&Jerry-style cartoons.

    But is it really necessary to push for a gag once a minute throughout the movie? The movie's pacing leaves the viewer breathless, and grasping in vain for any semblance of a coherent storyline. Aside from the fact that two incompetent agents are searching for a destructive weapon, it is impossible to understand what is really going on in this movie.

    I don't know the source material. In the event that it is exactly as the movie turned out,they should have fleshed it out with something that would have made it work as actual storytelling.

    As for the characters, none o...

    August 17, 2017


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