Times are hard for "Wallace" and his engineering-minded dog "Gromit" so they take in a lodger. He's a penguin who settles in nicely over a bottle of red with "Wallace" but to whom "Gromit" takes an instant dislike. Indeed, their new guest knocks his nose so far out of joint that he packs his belongings and leaves. This is just what the penguin wanted - and soon he is adapting some old, remote-controlled, mechanised trousers in which to entrap poor "Wallace" so he can use him to carry out a daring heist. Luckily, "Gromit" didn't stray too far and when he hears his friend's distress calls he sets out to thwart whom we now know is the most wanted "Feathers McGraw". Inspired voice casting in Peter Sallis and some great detail in the stop-motion...