- A Minecraft Movie2025
- Family
- Comedy
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe2005
- Adventure
- Family
- Fantasy
- Everything Everywhere All at Once2022
- Action
- Adventure
- Science Fiction
- The Shining1980
- Horror
- Thriller
- The Mask1994
- Romance
- Comedy
- Crime
- Fantasy
- Donnie Darko2001
- Fantasy
- Drama
- Mystery
- The Grinch2018
- Animation
- Family
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Queer2024
- Drama
- Romance
- Mulholland Drive2001
- Thriller
- Drama
- Mystery
- Apocalypse Now1979
- Drama
- War
- Beetlejuice1988
- Fantasy
- Comedy
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas2000
- Family
- Comedy
- Fantasy
- Trainspotting1996
- Drama
- Crime
- Megalopolis2024
- Science Fiction
- Drama
- Maria2024
- Drama
- Music
- Beauty and the Beast2014
- Fantasy
- Romance
- I Saw the TV Glow2024
- Drama
- Horror
- Labyrinth1986
- Adventure
- Family
- Fantasy
- Silent Hill2006
- Horror
- Mystery
- Weathering with You2019
- Animation
- Drama
- Fantasy
- Romance