Bad Girl

  • Romance
  • Drama

VINA DELMAR'S novel of New York Life

A man and woman, skeptical about romance, nonetheless fall in love and are wed, but their lack of confidence in the opposite sex haunts their marriage.




  • Geronimo1967

    I don't know that honesty is always the best policy, but I think that this melodrama might have gone much more smoothly for the married "Dorothy" (Sally Eilers) and "Eddie" (James Dunn) if they, especially the latter, had just been a little more upfront with the other. She basically thinks all men are predatory wastrels; he that women just want to shop their way trough life. Despite these obvious misgivings, and because he treats her with almost as much disinterest as she does him, the pair start to quite like each other. She's got a brother who is a controlling pain in the neck, so they come up with a plan to get her married so she's out of his ambit. Swiftly, with a baby looming, he loses his job and desperate times call for desperate mea...

    May 4, 2024


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