
  • Documentary


A portrait of Italy observed through the eyes of teenagers who talk about the places they live in and imagine themselves, torn between the opportunities that surround them, the dream of what they want to become, the fear of failing, the trials they hope to overcome.




      • Geronimo1967

        The thing that is most striking about this documentary is that virtually none of the views expressed here (save, perhaps, those on religion) are any different from those expressed by my generation in the UK thirty years ago. A variety of youngsters from the length and breadth of Italy offer us their views on how they perceive not just their own future but the broader options for mankind in an honest and initially interesting fashion. Everything from the optimistic to the downright naive. What is consistent, again, is the constant referral to the older generations as "they" as if their parents and grandparents were aloof, sitting on-high somewhere, never having been young themselves. Never having had dreams and ambitions that they ultimately...

        July 8, 2022
