
  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction

Anywhere is possible.

David Rice is a man who knows no boundaries, a Jumper, born with the uncanny ability to teleport instantly to anywhere on Earth. When he discovers others like himself, David is thrust into a dangerous and bloodthirsty war while being hunted by a sinister and determined group of zealots who have sworn to destroy all Jumpers. Now, David’s extraordinary gift may be his only hope for survival!





  • FilipeManuelNeto

    Between jumps and stumbles, the film untangles itself with some aplomb.

    What would be possible if we could all teleport at will? It would be chaos. For some reason, God, or whoever you want, didn't want to make it possible for humans. This is the belief of the Paladins, who hunt down and kill the Skippers, individuals who can, in fact, travel between different places in the blink of an eye.

    The film starts off with a very good premise and would have been a remarkable teen movie had it not been for the poor practical realization of it all. The film is beautiful, and the script is good, with a good story but things just seem too imaginative, and the excessive use of CGI and green screen does not help to mitigate this feeling, quite ...

    January 31, 2023


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