We get a clue from the opening, vaguely homo-erotic, scene that this is a rather dysfunctional family that is living in a recently constructed eco-style house in rural Wales. One brother "Gweirydd" (Sion Alun Davies) is clad in his triathlon lycra and "entertaining himself" whilst his brother "Guto" (Steffan Cennydd) watches him through his window... Then the latter heads to the gate to meet "Cadi" (Annes Elwy), a local girl seconded by his mother to help out at a dinner party she is hosting. It seems this family made a killing selling mineral licences to a company run by the rather odious "Euros" (Rhodri Meilir) and the purpose of the lavish dinner is to convince their neighbour "Mair" (Lisa Palfrey) to allow the same on her property. The ...