One Life

  • History
  • Drama
  • War

Save one life, save the world.

British stockbroker Nicholas Winton visits Czechoslovakia in the 1930s and forms plans to assist in the rescue of Jewish children before the onset of World War II, in an operation that came to be known as the Kindertransport.





  • msbreviews


    "One Life is yet another important story from WWII that deserves to be seen on the big screen.

    Despite not breaking genre barriers, it unfolds its narrative in a captivating manner, packed with devastating, bittersweet moments, but also filled with wonderful depictions of altruism, humanitarian sacrifice, and hope, culminating in a powerfully cathartic ending that serves as an ideal tribute to Sir Nicholas Winton.

    The cast carries the weight of the responsibility of the rescue mission with grounded care, relying on the legendary Anthony Hopkins to bear the explosion of the accumulated emotion.


    October 13, 2023
  • Geronimo1967

    Johnny Flynn performs quite well here as the young stockbroker Nicholas Winton who arrives in Prague just as the Nazis annexe the Sudetenland. He is horrified by the child poverty that he sees and decides, perhaps naively, to work with his British Refugee Council colleagues to try and expedite their removal to a safer and altogether earthier environment. Fortunately, his mother Babette (Helena Bonham Carter), herself from immigrant stock, is no slouch when it comes to doorstepping officials in Whitehall and soon has convinced the authorities to agree a fast-track mechanism that will enable him to get the children back to the UK provided they have guaranteed foster homes and the fairly massive sum of £50 as a guarantee. He returns to London ...

    January 11, 2024
  • r96sk

    A touching picture featuring Anthony Hopkins.

    'One Life' is '<a href="" rel="nofollow">Schindler's List</a>'-esque, though perhaps more of a grounded portrayal of such events without the proper Hollywood-ness drama that that aforementioned flick holds; no hate on that sensational Steven Spielberg production by any means, it's a far better film in fact. This 2023 release is very hearty though, one of those movies where it is impossible not to care for the people onscreen.

    There are plenty of emotional scenes that touch the feels, with one involving Hopkins right at the end particularly hitting. That man is excellent throughout, as expected. Johnny Flynn impresses too, he is just as important ...

    January 19, 2024
  • Brent_Marchant

    For some of us, theres no stopping when it comes to seeing through on a mission of vital importance. So it was in 1938, when a dedicated English stockbroker selflessly enabled the successful escape of 669 children (mostly Jewish) from Prague not long after the Third Reich annexed Czechoslovakias Sudetenland region, the first step toward Germanys invasion of the country and the eventual onset of World War II. British-born Nicholas Winton (Anthony Hopkins), the descendant of German Jewish ancestors, and members of the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia both on the ground and in London worked tirelessly against seemingly impossible odds to facilitate the youngsters flight to freedom. In particular, Wintons younger self (Johnny ...

    March 27, 2024


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