- One Life2023
- History
- Drama
- A Promise2013
- Drama
- Romance
- Einstein and Eddington2008
- History
- Drama
- The Damned1969
- Drama
- History
- Man Hunt1941
- Thriller
- War
- The Makioka Sisters1983
- Drama
- Romance
- Confessions of a Nazi Spy1939
- Drama
- War
- Bridge to the Sun1961
- Drama
- Romance
- War
- Marie Galante1934
- Thriller
- Drama
- Romance
- Mashenka1942
- Drama
- Romance
- War
- Four Hearts1944
- Romance
- Comedy
- Music
- Hitler's Games, Berlin 19362016
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie
- Of Pups and Puzzles1941
- War
- Documentary
- Avant la catastrophe - La Chute de la République de Weimar (1930-1933)2022
- Documentary
- TV Movie
- History
- Hitler's Battle Against the Press2018
- TV Movie
- Documentary
- History
- Síla lidskosti - Nicholas Winton2003
- Documentary
- History
- La Conférence de la honte2022
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie
- Сколько лет, сколько зим!1966
- Drama
- Romance
- Les Champions d'Hitler2016
- Documentary
- History
- TV Movie
- Kawakami Tetsuji, No. 161957
- Drama