Bullet Train

  • Action
  • Comedy
  • Thriller

The end of the line is just the beginning.

Unlucky assassin Ladybug is determined to do his job peacefully after one too many gigs gone off the rails. Fate, however, may have other plans, as Ladybug's latest mission puts him on a collision course with lethal adversaries from around the globe—all with connected, yet conflicting, objectives—on the world's fastest train.





  • msbreviews

    FULL SPOILER-FREE REVIEW @ https://www.msbreviews.com/movie-reviews/bullet-train-spoiler-free-review

    "Bullet Train employs David Leitch's maximalist style in a purposefully silly narrative driven by frenetic action and distinct humor.

    Although it doesn't stray from the familiar formulas and doesn't leave viewers blown away by never-before-seen action sequences, the execution of all the intended cinematic moments is more than satisfying, resulting in a couple of hours full of entertainment.

    The exceptional cast is worth the ticket, and every second with Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Brian Tyree Henry is genuinely hilarious. Brad Pitt shines as well.

    Despite visual effects, script, and character development all traveling in economy cla...

    August 4, 2022
  • Kgprophet

    Snatch On A Train

    It should not be a coincidence that Bullet Train and the movie Snatch both feature Brad Pitt. This kind of offbeat storytelling appeals to Pitt. I get a flashback of Pitt in Twelve Monkeys, embracing the lunacy. One might also see Tarantino in the storytelling as well. Most of the critics get it right though, the execution is a little flat. What works however are the montages of the other assassins and their backstory. The entire production, and I mean every single shot, feels like it is from a graphic novel. Careful attention to glowing backlights from buttons or tv screens or fancy lighting in general makes this bristle with Japanese cityscape. In fact every shot of the Bullet train that goes from Tokyo t...

    August 6, 2022
  • garethmb

    I first got an extended look at Bullet Train during Cinemacon when a reel of the film was shown during the Sony showcase to an enthusiastic crowd. The footage mixed action and humor with quirky and dysfunctional characters and became a must-see film for me based on the teased footage.

    The film is based on a book by Kotaro Isaka and stars Brad Pitt as an operative named Ladybug. He is called at the last minute as a replacement and given instructions to board a Bullet Train and snatch a case in one of the passenger areas before exiting at the next station.

    Having gone through a recent crisis, Ladybug is awash in various philosophical and new age ideas as he attempts to find his inner peace and a new path in life, as such he does not tak...

    August 6, 2022
  • r96sk

    Such a blast!

    Personally, I wasn't expecting much from 'Bullet Train' at all. The (most overplayed) trailer didn't fill with me with much interest and I thought the bullet train aspect would be gimmicky and perhaps even too limiting. However, to my surprise it's the exact opposite to all that. It's supremely entertaining and very amusing!

    I love the whole style of the film, the editing is top notch. the bloody visuals are class and the music is superbly chosen - every track hits. Then you also have an excellent cast. I thought, again based on the trailer(s) that I saw, it would be a run-of-the-mill Brad Pitt feature, but his performance is terrific throughout.

    Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Brian Tyree Henry are a quality double act, I t...

    August 9, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    Brad Pitt is "Ladybug" - a now zen-like, semi-retired, hitman brought out of retirement to appropriate a suitcase from a train. Easy enough task, you might think - especially as he obtains it relatively easily. It then transpires, though, that there is much more afoot. Also on the train are the two guys who own the suitcase - "Lemon" (Brian Tyree Henry) and his twin "Tangerine" (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) who have been tasked with rescuing the recently kidnapped son of the legendary "White Death" crime lord and his ransom (in the suitcase). When the pair discover that their loot has gone missing and that their charge has developed a rather nasty habit of bleeding from the eyes, they have to keep their suspicious employer at bay and find their lu...

    August 15, 2022
  • mooney240

    Bullet Train combines all the action, expertise, and stunt work of John Wick with the pacing, goofiness, and fun of Hot Fuzz.

    High energy, vibrant colors, funny characters, and excellent action fuel Bullet Train to take its audience on a wild and entertaining ride. Each character is larger than life and outrageous, but all fit perfectly in this vivid and comical world. Bullet Train feels like Edgar Wrights version of John Wick - all the action is there, but so are all the comedy and quirky characters. Brad Pitts prowess as an actor shines as his ridiculous peace-loving assassin blunders through the film but never crosses the line into cliche or too much. Brian Tyree Henrys Lemon is the most entertaining out of a cast of enthusiastic ...

    September 28, 2022
  • bcorrel2

    A well-timed, funny, action packed train ride, I was not bored for a single second of this film.

    October 18, 2022
  • Dark Jedi

    This was a fund movie indeed, and quite woke-free at that. The fact that the woke crap site Rotten Tomatoes has marked it as rotten (despite it having more than 50% positive critics reviews) was a good sign of course.

    It is an action/comedy about an unbelievably unlucky (and a bit stupid) assassin played by Brad Pitt. The movie mixes action, comedy, a bit of suspense and a fair amount of gore in a quite enjoyable package.

    The movie balances the comedy bits right on the line where it would turn silly and cringe-worthy but there was really only one place where I went Oh no, what the f?.

    The action bits are overall quite good but this is Hollywood with their armada of clueless script writers so sometimes they get a bit ridiculous. Lik...

    December 21, 2022
  • narrator56

    I see there are a LOT of reviews of Bullet Train here, so I will be brief. I usually only watch action movies if they contain a large element of humor and, if possible, an actor I like. So I gave Bullet Train a try. I figured Brad Pitt wouldnt get involved with a totally awful film.

    So yes, it was humorous and often entertaining, with the comic book violence action films often seem to include, I guess because the audience demands it. I almost gave up on it halfway through, not because it was boring but just because the story seemed so shallow and the subplots didnt grab me. But the films action moved along fast enough for me to stick with it. Like I said, it is entertaining in places and witty overall, though I cant imagine ever watching it a second time.

    January 1, 2023
  • screenzealots

    By: Louisa Moore / www.ScreenZealots.com

    It takes a lot for a film to surprise me, and I love it when one does. Bullet Train is chocked full of so much stylish, bloody, violent fun that it reminds me why I love movies in the first place. Director David Leitch brings a confident, creative vision to his Guy Ritchie-meets-Gareth Evans-meets Matthew Vaughn-meets Quentin Tarantino style thats rambunctious, frenzied, and in your face. While some will detest this sort of mayhem, many fans of the genre will join me in enthusiastically screaming, shoot this into my veins!

    Unlucky assassin Ladybug (Brad Pitt) is tired of the brutality. Hes back for another job, but has pledged to work peacefully and without a weapon. Ladybug has been tasked...

    April 23, 2023


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