Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

  • Comedy
  • Crime
  • Mystery

When the game ends, the mystery begins.

World-famous detective Benoit Blanc heads to Greece to peel back the layers of a mystery surrounding a tech billionaire and his eclectic crew of friends.





  • jackcd4

    While the first Knives Out is undoubtedly more eerie and traditional when viewed alongside other murder mysteries, the modernity (both politically, and just through the characters and humour) is what makes this so dynamic, and so, so, great.

    Despite the already immense cast in the first production, this time around it still manages to feel so much grander. When actors like Ethan Hawke, Natasha Lyonne and Hugh Grant make mere cameos throughout, it just puts even more excitement into an already electrifying crowd. And each member of that crowd is amazing. The highlighting performances unsurprisingly include Daniel Craig, but Janelle Monet very well might take the cake. She completely surprised me and ended up bringing more to the film ...

    September 11, 2022
  • TitanGusang

    Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery is a lighthearted murder mystery filled with effective comedy, fantastic performances, and a somewhat predictable plot.

    Overall, I had a great time with this film and the theater experience was one of my favorites of the year. The plot is somewhat similar to the first, a murder happens and Benolt Blanc is there to solve it. It hits all the familiar beats but does not work quite as well as its predecessor, this is mainly due to the characters. The performances were great and they work well in isolation from the overarching story, but all of them are such over-the-top caricatures that are hard to believe their connections or motivations to kill. Their banter with each other is charming and funny and help...

    December 1, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    Daniel Craig rather engagingly reprises his role as the "Poirot"-esque "Benoit Blanc" in this fairly unashamed rip-off of all things Agatha Christie. He finds himself an unexpected guest of billionaire "Bron" (Edward Norton) on his beautiful Greek island, amongst a slew of other notables who - of course - each have an axe to grind with this outwardly affable host. The purpose of the get-together is a traditional murder mystery, and after an hearty dinner, it will fall on the other guests to discover who has murdered "Bron". Well, that's the plan anyway - but of course it doesn't take long for all of that to be derailed and for us to become embroiled in lots of concentric plots and tales of betrayal and duplicity that will truly test the met...

    December 3, 2022
  • mooney240

    Glass Onion lives up to the expectations and spirit established by Knives Out but doesn't bring anything new to a growing franchise.

    Glass Onion is a fun follow-up to Knives Out that captures all the character and energy of its predecessor. While I enjoyed the original more, Glass Onion was still very entertaining. The powerhouse cast ensured that every character exploded to life through the excellent portrayals of Glass Onion's brilliantly chosen stars. Each role felt tailor-made to the actor cast for it. The group of entitled celebrities felt more wild and uncontrollable than the frustrated family of Knives Out, which raised Glass Onion's peril and unpredictability. Glass Onion brilliantly hid clues throughout the film that reveal ...

    December 24, 2022
  • msbreviews


    "Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery would never disappoint. Rian Johnson succeeds, once again, with his clever, witty humor and continuous entertainment throughout just over two hours of yet another whodunnit classic with tremendous replay value.

    The central mystery holds countless twists and turns, almost always captivating and amusing. Exceptional performances from a shockingly talented cast - Daniel Craig and Janelle Monáe are the standouts - elevate a screenplay slightly lacking in character depth as well as better control over its clear yet repetitive message concerning opportunism, vanity, and hypocrisy.

    Original remains suprem...

    December 27, 2022
  • r96sk


    My first film of 2023, which has started with a bang! I adore the original film from 2019 so was expecting big things from this sequel and I'm glad to note that it didn't disappoint - it's a cracker. I did, admittedly, predict the general gist of what was going to happen, though (in this case, minor) predictability doesn't always equel badness - like here, I was thoroughly entertained no matter what.

    The cast from the first film are better, though those that star in this 2022 release are excellent. Daniel Craig is, of course, superb as Benoit Blanc once again, every single moment with him is terrific. Janelle Monáe also gives a fantastic performance, I predominantly know of her from music but with this, and '<a href="https:...

    January 1, 2023
  • narrator56

    As with the first Knives Out movie, I found the plot to be clever and intricate and the story very well told. There were a few interesting plot twists and, even though the dialogue could have been more witty, it was intelligent and realistic.

    I did find that the Renoir character reminded me of an Agatha Christie character, in that he reeled off suppositions hed made based on information we hadnt been given full access to. Also, he owed some of his success to a character who he asked to take a snoop around, and she proceeded to be in several spots just in time to hear critical details. Pretty lucky. Then again. I write novels in my spare time and the subtitle of one of them is The Consequences of Coincidences. And it features a few of the...

    January 11, 2023
  • GenerationofSwine

    What's great about this is that within the first minute or so of meeting every cast member you are told who they are and what their motivation is...

    ... so it leaves out the tedious who done it guess work of murder mysteries.

    And you are told almost from the start who the killer is and what his motivation is..

    ... so you don't have the tedious guess work there either.

    But to keep you on your toes scenes are conveniently rewritten several ways to make it seem like a mystery even though the mystery aspect has been conveniently taken out for today's low IQ audiences.

    The viewer conveniently doesn't have to uncover anything, nor try to determine any motivation, and all the clues are obvious and handed to you by virtue of Bond stu...

    January 13, 2023
  • FinixFighter

    Almost everything is already told and you know who the killer is. Moreover: I hate when they put Covid into movies. We already lived two years full of stupid restrictions, and this film is like if it's trying to say:"ehy, be a good ship and do as it's told you to do", all this topped off with Google and Apple advertising.

    January 15, 2023
  • tensharpe

    Glass Onion: A Knives out Mystery is a thoroughly entertaining, well crafted, thrilling step up from its predecessor Knives Out 

    Benoit Blanc ( Daniel Craig ) returns as the World Famous detective who unintentionally has been invited to a private island by the host of a murder mystery party, Myles Bronn ( Edward Norton) There is palpable tension within the select group of party guests well before proceedings begin, but after a real murder Benoit Blanc is called upon to solve the case. 

    Without giving anything away, Glass Onion twists and turns as it builds to both a fascinating and hilarious whodunnit while exploring themes of class and privilege. Daniel Craig gives an hilarious performance as The detective with Edward Norton giving ...

    January 26, 2023
  • badelf

    There's nothing spectacularly brilliant about the film, except that the mystery is a pure pleasure to watch. The cast and technical aspects are great. And while the film is dedicated, for one, to Angela Lansbury (author of long-running Murder She Wrote) the detective here is clearly Dame Agatha Christie's. The closing credits also say that it's dedicated to Stephen Sondheim whose connection escapes me, other than he died just before the film was made, and perhaps too, that his music is typically complicated layers - like onions.

    January 26, 2023
  • Ahmetaslan27

    A childish scenario that prevented me from participating in determining who the killer was?

    The first part was dazzling and surprising for those who watched the movie and the fans of movie type of: Who is the killer? The first part presented a group of well-known stars in a different format than the roles they played in previous acting works.

    In the second part, I face many challenges: Will the second part be better than the first part, or at least equal to it? Secondly, yes it presents us with a group of stars with beautiful charisma on the screen.

    This time, the events of the film take place during the pandemic. This time, the main investigator, the hero of the story, is facing deadly boredom due to him staying at home all th...

    September 27, 2023


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