Black Adam

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction

Power born from rage.

Nearly 5,000 years after he was bestowed with the almighty powers of the Egyptian gods—and imprisoned just as quickly—Black Adam is freed from his earthly tomb, ready to unleash his unique form of justice on the modern world.





  • msbreviews


    "Black Adam is far from impressive, being somewhat disappointing due to its formulaic, predictable screenplay when something different was anticipated.

    Lorne Balfe's epic score and a magnificent cast - Dwayne Johnson, Aldis Hodge, and most remarkably Pierce Brosnan are phenomenal - try to elevate the decent action and visuals, but the moderate entertainment levels don't make up for the dated narrative structure.

    Tiresomely heavy exposition, story with little to no creativity, and inconsistent humor make it impossible for the DCEU to take "the next step" in a truly impactful manner."

    Rating: C+

    October 19, 2022
  • farazmushtaqk

    Well it wasn't disappointing...

    October 22, 2022
  • ChrisSawin

    With a horrid script, lackluster performances, and a waste of potentially awesome characters, Black Adam is an explosive, $195 million, anti-heroic dud. The DCEU is about to get way more convoluted and underwhelming than ever before if this is the future of live action DC films.

    Full review:

    October 23, 2022
  • mooney240

    Black Adam might not reinvent the wheel, but it doesnt have to. It just wants to take you on a fun, entertaining, exciting superhero ride!

    Black Adam has its haters, and I can understand why. It doesnt necessarily break new ground in the superhero genre, but that doesnt stop it from being awesome! Action-packed from start to finish. The effects are incredible. I kept myself from saying Wow out loud on multiple occasions. Dwayne Johnsons Black Adam is absolutely ruthless, ripping armies of henchmen with ease and speed. I was worried a PG-13 rating might soften his brutality, but it did not! The action sequences looked amazing and were well done. I really liked the Justice Society characters, although they all felt a little stereotypic...

    October 23, 2022
  • jwilliams0511971

    "My powers are not a gift. They're a curse, born out of rage."

    I had a blast watching this in theaters. This was very bombastic, with a lot of cool action, but also telling a heartfelt story about Black Adam.

    It was very inventive how they depicted Black Adam's origin, keeping it a mystery up near the end. Dwayne Johnson was born to play Black Adam. He steals every scene he's in playing a badass anto-hero.

    Now the Justice Society, while they didn't have a backstory in the film, they each had prequel comics detailing their backstory. Which I really dig, these comics are meant to sell comics, after all. Might as well get the audience to buy the comics to get into some great stories (they are also currently doing this with The Fla...

    October 24, 2022
  • shamxal

    cool movie

    October 24, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    In search of the all powerful crown of "Sabbac", "Adrianna" (Sarah Shahi) unleashes "Seth-Adam" (Dwayne Johnson) from his mountain-encased tomb deep in the desert. With super-human powers akin to "Superman", he returns to his home city of "Kahndaq" which is under the control of the "Intergangs". Will he decide to help her and her son "Amon" (Bodhi Sabongui) free them from this criminal tyranny? Well what nobody had counted on are the folks from the Justice League/Brotherhood/Department - led by "Hawkman" (Aldis Hodge) and "Dr. Fate" (Pierce Brosnan) who have decided that "Adam" is a bit of an wrong-un and so bring their state-of-the-art rocket ship as well as the "Atom Smasher" (Noah Centineo) and "Cyclone" (Quintessa Swindell) to capture o...

    October 25, 2022
  • TitanGusang

    Black Adam is in every aspect a generic superhero movie. There is nothing that really separates this for me, besides the body count that Black Adam stacks up during the film.

    One thing I need to mention is the audio quality. So many lines of dialogue sound like they were recorded straight off from a cell phone. They do not match the scene at all and it was incredibly jarring throughout the entirety of the film. While I am talking about sound, in almost every fight scene the film included a badass rap song. It was cool the first time, but it got old and corny fast.

    The plot was very generic from all aspects. It suffers by trying to catch the audience up in the first act. The film introduces the Justice Society and Black Adam and quic...

    October 25, 2022
  • phutrong

    Best DC Movie ever !!!

    November 7, 2022
  • nhpro100

    Very Good Movie

    November 11, 2022
  • AhmadZQ

    In all honesty, I was anticipating the same old rubbish. Neither the teaser nor the people involved left me feeling optimistic. To my surprise, I got a rather well-crafted superhero film that, despite its imperfections, is still superior to the vast bulk of its genres offerings in recent years. Coming from the DCEU, which has produced some of the most inconsistent content in recent memory, and starring Dwayne Johnson as the lead, who, apart from his charm and muscular physique, isnt exactly known for his acting talents. In many respects, Black Adam had more going against it than for it.

    Nevertheless, thanks to director Jaume Collet-Serra, writers Adam Sztykiel, Rory Haines, and Sohrab Noshirvani, and a supporting ensemble that makes the ...

    November 23, 2022
  • kaycee2000

    I enjoyed the action mainly sometimes the shotty CGI took me out of it. Very surprised that a triple A title in this age would have subpar CGI at times. The story was ok, but most of the dialog was poorly written. Especially with 5he scenes the boy was in. On the tech side the video is crispy clear. Just gorgeous. And the audio is also great. There is a lot going on.

    November 23, 2022
  • MovieGuys

    "Its alright." I know, its hardly a resounding endorsement but Black Adam, is just that.

    To be fair the super human genre is pretty formulaic by its very nature. Its simplistic narrative and story telling, often with a very pro American, globalist message, as is the case here, does not resonate terribly well with a sophisticated, mature audience.

    So rather than pick on its predictable shortcoming's let's look at what it does do well.

    Firstly, I think the choice of Dwayne Johnson as the lead , is a good one. Usually associated with nice guys roles, its interesting to see him cast as someone flawed, with a darker, personality. His physicality plays well here, too. He's intimidating physically, with a strong presence that fits well w...

    November 30, 2022
  • iamhabenula

    The worst ever movie I've ever seen.

    December 5, 2022
  • CanadianOranges

    Black Adam feels dated. And not like it came out at the dawn of superhero movies. Before that. Like it came out during TMNT II: Secrets of the Ooze.

    December 15, 2022
  • huskyverse

    Much watch movie :)

    December 16, 2022
  • JPV852

    Okay movie that suffers from similar issues to other DC movies, in that it wants takes shortcuts with character development and, in the case of one character, their sacrifice feels hollow as we barely get to know them. In addition, the fight scenes, being rendered either against a green screen or via CGI, lacks any punch and thus suspense. On the plus side, I guess Dwayne Johnson was decent and as a whole it's a watchable superhero action-thriller but I doubt I'd ever revisit, and the little kernels of the now defunct DECU feel pointless, including the mid-credit cameo. 3.0/5

    December 25, 2022
  • mrsawy

    it wasnt bad , thats good

    January 6, 2023
  • GenerationofSwine

    OK, this isn't a bad movie.

    But, it as a bit much CGI (like everything else nowadays) and I think modern audiences are getting tired of paying out the wazoo to basically watch a video game.

    And then the narration. The voice is too young and though it does make sense with the plot, it is jarring because basic tradition is that narrations have an older and wiser voice... Morgan Freeman, Spock, etc. So that is going to instantly set the radiance off.

    And then the Snyderverse is over. Period. They made no illusions about that, we have known it was over for years, there was even a massive backlash about his cut of Justice League because it was given the fans what they wanted and thus bad... because politics and politics have decla...

    January 17, 2023
  • astrobestastrologer

    The rock looks best in this movie. with his gleamingaura look.

    February 8, 2023


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