No Country for Old Men

  • Crime
  • Drama
  • Thriller

There are no clean getaways.

Llewelyn Moss stumbles upon dead bodies, $2 million and a hoard of heroin in a Texas desert, but methodical killer Anton Chigurh comes looking for it, with local sheriff Ed Tom Bell hot on his trail. The roles of prey and predator blur as the violent pursuit of money and justice collide.





  • Netflowers

    No Country for Old Men (2007) Another great one from the Coen Brothers 27 January 2009 - 3 out of 3 users found this review helpful. INSTANT CLASSIC.: YES, this film is as good as the critics say. YES, the performances are as good as the Academy says. NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN is one of my favorite films and I have watched it many, many times. Javier Bardem, makes an excellent screen villain, this guy is really scary, you would not want him chasing you. Josh Brolin, and Tommy Lee Jones turn in Solid Performances, and Woody Harrelson also. I'm saving my praise for KELLY MACDONALD, one of my favorite actors. KELLY nails that southern accent. which is always surprising because her speaking voice is so Scottish, she does not have a lot of scree...

    October 21, 2017
  • TahaTMDb

    I literally liked the Movie. Its story is outstanding and innovative. However, I wish the ending was more of action scenes than dialogues. Not to forget that Javier Barden's acting is breathtaking and marvelous. His smile 4:49 is petrifying!

    September 14, 2019
  • John Chard

    I always figured when I got older, God would sorta come inta my life somehow. And he didn't. I don't blame him. If I was him I would have the same opinion of me that he does.

    No Country for Old Men is directed by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, and the Coen's adapt the screenplay from Cormac McCarthy's novel of the same name. It stars Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin, Woody Harelson, Javier Bardem and Kelly Macdonald. Music is by Carter Burwell and cinematography by Roger Deakins.

    When a hunter stumbles upon the bloody aftermath of a drug deal gone wrong, he decides to make off with cash left at the scene, that violence and life threat will follow from here on in...

    Not quite the genius masterpiece some would have you belie...

    April 25, 2020
  • narrator56

    I watched this for the first time with a few friends as part of an ongoing movie night we shared. I think it was the most violent film we watched together. The plot is taut and somewhat riveting, with great dialogue and acting. At the same time, for me, it seemed rather bleak. I gradually had the sense it would not end well for nearly anybody. If it werent for the Tommy Lee Jones character, I am not sure I would have wanted to stick with it. He provides a sort of balance in the mood of the film. I am not a big fan of movies with super criminals. You know the ones they seem to always be one step ahead of the hero or the authorities, free to run roughshod until that are defeated at the very end of the movie, if at all. Woody Harrelson deliv...

    September 27, 2020
  • r96sk

    I can't say I view this one positively. I clearly don't get it, which I'm fine with.

    I'm all for films that don't play it so straight that it's predictable, but at the same time I'm rarely a fan of films that are so full of themselves to end in such a derisory way. Listen, that's probably harsh as it is still a good flick no doubt, but 'No Country for Old Men' is highly unsatisfactory and highly uninspiring for me.

    I will say that I have no issues with the cast whatsoever, they are all fantastic. Javier Bardem is awesome, easily the star, and Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin and Woody Harrelson are all top value. Kelly Macdonald and Garret Dillahunt are also involved, I like them too. Stephen Root, Mr. 'L for Love' himself, as well. Away ...

    July 13, 2022
  • mooney240

    Enjoyed it. Go watch it. But don't expect a masterpiece.

    There is no denying this is a very well-done film with incredible actors and storytelling. Javier Bardem's Anton Chigurh stands out immediately as a new iconic film villain full of foreboding relentless focus and cold uncaring presence. No Country is clearly a product of the Coen Brothers' unique charm and style. It boasts some tense shoot-outs, and the uncompromising pursuit of Josh Brolin's character was fantastic. Unfortunately, it drags along in some places but by design. The ending is probably supposed to be symbolic and clever, but it was sudden and lost on me (a guy that takes pretty much everything at face value). All in all, it's a good movie, but I am at a loss for wh...

    August 19, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    Javier Bardem is just great in this! He is "Anton", a ruthlessly efficient killer on the hunt for a missing bag of loot that has fallen into the hands of the opportunistic "Moss" (Josh Brolin) after a drug deal goes awry. The latter man soon cottons onto the fact that his life is now considerably more at risk and he has to figure just out how to survive long enough to escape and enjoy his cash. "Moss" might just have an unlikely and unwitting ally, though, in the form of the pursuing but rather unenthusiastic sheriff "Bell" (Tommy Lee Jones) but, well you just wouldn't want to bet against the truly menacing Bardem! It's violent and brutal, sure - but it's also darkly humorous with plenty of pithy banter and quite some degree of characterisa...

    November 26, 2022
  • drystyx

    This is a spoiled brat Hollywood formula version of the classic film NIGHTFALL. It is so parallel to Nightfall that there is no doubt that McCarthy wrote it as a brattish rewrite of the classic film. By "brat" I mean it is contrived to appease the control freak nature of the immature and spoiled American. I doubt this will fare well in the future, and if anything, it will cause a renewed interest in Nightfall, with Aldo Ray and Brian Keith. Like Nightfall, we have an investigator who feels he is in over his head in a case of money stolen from hoodlums. Like Nightfall, the hero stumbles across stolen money and is also in over his head. Like Nightfall, there is a sadist who makes a game out of killing his victims. Like Nightfall, the sa...

    April 2, 2023


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