Mother at War

  • Drama
  • War

The world is at war but one woman is fighting her own

1918. World War I rages in Europe while Erna Jensen tends to her ordinary life at home in Bramstrup, with her simple-minded son, Kalle. One day the village constable comes to enlist Kalle for military service for the German Empire – of which Southern Jutland is a part. If Erna is to save Kalle from certain death, she must follow him through thick and thin. Upon a chance meeting with a deserting solder she trades identities. Now disguised as Private Julius Rasmussen, Erna heads for the front. In her encounters with the other soldiers and in the presence of the war, unknown sides of Erna are awoken. This is the story of a woman who won’t let a war prevent her from fighting for what she loves.




  • MovieGuys

    Whilst the idea behind Mother of War is interesting, for me, that's where it ends.

    That anyone could not see the main character is a women, is preposterous, in the extreme. If they had found a female actor with masculine characteristic's, well even then its a big maybe.

    This reality undermines, what is otherwise, a polished production, populated by very capable actors.

    A regrettable 5/10.

    September 8, 2022


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