The Batman

  • Crime
  • Mystery
  • Thriller




  • garethmb

    The Batman Is A Very Engaging And Unforgettable Tale That Is One Of The Best Adaptations Of The Character Ever

    In 1989 Michael Keaton was seen as a very controversial choice to wear the Cowl of Batman but soon proved his doubters wrong by turning Batman and its subsequent sequel Batman Returns into massive Box Office success before leaving the cape behind.

    While four other actors have taken up the cinematic version of the character in the subsequent years, Keaton has remained for many the Gold Standard with Christian Bale likely being his biggest rival.

    When Robert Pattinson was named as the new Batman, there was interest but concern as an actor who is largely known for playing Edward in the Twilight films seemed to be an odd choic...

    February 28, 2022
  • mooney240

    The reviews and hype for this movie were massive! Comparisons to The Dark Knight got my expectations high... probably a little too high. I was expecting to be blown away and was not but even with that being said The Batman is an exceptional film. The cinematography and visuals are stunning. Matt Reeves made some genius creative choices among which were the more reclusive rockstar grungy Bruce Wayne and the Riddler being heavily influenced by the Zodiac. The acting was fantastic as well with Zoe Kravitz and Paul Dano offering some standout performances. The Batman is driven with psychological and mystery focus as compared to the action comedy style of most superhero movies. My only complaint is that the mystery felt fairly predictable...

    March 4, 2022
  • msbreviews


    "The Batman deserves all the hype it generated and then some. Matt Reeves delivers a distinctly darker, more intense, frighteningly realistic noir thriller than past adaptations, with an aggressively vengeful Bruce Wayne / Batman and a fear-inducing, mysterious, lunatic Riddler.

    Greig Fraser's cinematography - bone-chilling "ins-and-outs" of Batman and stunning footage of Gotham - and Michael Giacchino's score - genuinely addictive, elevates the entire film - make this adaptation the best-looking and best-scored cinematic version of the Batman ever.

    Even with the narrative focus on the detective work, the action sequences are exhilara...

    March 4, 2022
  • ChrisSawin

    Paul Dano and Colin Farrell are extraordinary, but The Batman is a three hour slog through Gotham that culminates with an over exaggerated riddle that isnt worth solving. Having Batman and Jim Gordon both speak in raspy, whispery grunts feels excessive as does Gordons insistence on calling Batman, Chief, every time that theyre together. The film deserves credit for prominently shining the spotlight on the underbelly of crime in Gotham, but the storytelling in The Batman is a lot like Bugs Bunny meaning to have taken that left turn at Albuquerque; a meandering foray down a dark rabbit hole that isnt entirely necessary.

    Full review:

    March 6, 2022
  • edwecks

    Masterpiece. Best DC film yet

    March 10, 2022
  • jwilliams0511971

    "Our scars can destroy us, even after the physical wounds have healed. But if we survive them, they can transform us. They can give us the power to endure, and the strength to fight."

    Ever since it was announced that Matt Reeves was going to direct The Batman after Ben Affleck stepped down for personal reasons, I had no doubt he was going to put on one hell of a masterpiece. This is the definitive live-action Batman. An epic 3-hour film noir that delves deep into comic lore of Gotham City.

    Robert Pattinson perfectly embodies both Bruce Wayne and Batman. I love the character arc he goes through, realizing Gotham doesn't need vengeance to heal, but hope. Zoë Kravitz plays a phenomenal Selina Kyle, you actually feel her emotions th...

    March 15, 2022
  • r96sk

    It's a cracker, no doubt about it!

    Matt Reeves did a great job with 2022's 'The Batman'. It's difficult not to compare this to other Batman films, though that's DC/Warner Bros. fault for featuring him so much in recent times. I'll get this out the way early: I'd say '<a href="" rel="nofollow">Batman Begins</a>'/'<a href="" rel="nofollow">The Dark Knight</a>' are superior, not by much, which is a similar case for the character performances too.

    Robert Pattinson is a terrific Bruce Wayne, though Christian Bale still edges him out in my eyes. Zoë Kravitz is probably the best Catwoman I've seen, though the rest - from the Riddler to Penguin to Alfred - h...

    March 18, 2022
  • Tatsky

    I like how Batman is depicted with a naive and loser POV from his rich high tower, a rich trust fund baby called out by both sane (Catwoman) and insane (Riddler) people while he remains oblivious until the consequences are literally flooding the city. While he uses the idea of Batman as a mantle for him to process trauma, his obliviousness to his own celebrity status and image creates unintentional side effects from his parents' death hogging the spotlight away from the people that mattered to his own nebulous idea of "vengeance" being co-opted by the goons, a heel-turn realization that eventually changes the rack focus, ultimately leading to a wider perspective and a selfless act of cutting the cord and helping others. Hope is more importa...

    March 27, 2022
  • aquiluus

    This film is so intricate, there's so many details, things you can obverse on multiple watches and not have noticed on your first. There's a lot of things that just aren't spoken that give this film so much substance. So many layers and nuanced story telling. Gotham City feels as it should, as it's own character and a visceral cesspool of corruption and just dirt. It feels dirty, unpolished... it's amazing.

    There's so many shots in this film that are just simply breathtaking and intentionally dirty. It helps capture this visceral tone and fits substantially well with the universe of Batman.

    Being a diehard fan of Batman for, like, pretty much all of my life- I have to say; Matt Reeves absolutely nailed it with a completely faithful ad...

    April 1, 2022
  • Aqueronte72

    Enormous mass that is per se a riddle. Forget screenplay, it's a comic storyboard; Do you remember Rorschach, from Moore's Watchmen, ruminating in the sewers?, ok, transpolate Batman and it works! No way, here I go-monologue and comic dialogues (effective and practical like instant soup, with 2 percent protein), comic narration, that is functional, utilitarian, Bentham would say, with the ellipses and any speech or reasoning that requires 2 minutes of reflection, at most!, ""this whole city´s gonna come apart" says a District Attorney, scenic cuts and messy complexity...-entertaining but messy-comic, etc, is a comic turned into a movie by someone who - I'm speculating, any resemblance to reality is purely by chance - was advised or ...

    April 2, 2022
  • Geronimo1967

    OK, shoot me now - but you can tell when you are watching a film at the cinema and the audience start to get a bit restless. Well mine did with this overlong, and frankly rather dreary film. The opening few, somewhat dystopian, scenes reminded me of "Blade Runner" (1982) and we do hit the ground running. Amidst an hotly contested mayoral election, a chap in a gas mask ("The Riddler", we learn later) brutally takes out the sitting candidate enticing the "Batman" (Robert Pattinson) to come help his policeman pal "Gordon" (Jeffrey Wright) to investigate. Seems that the killer wanted that to happen because he leaves our caped crusader a card with a clue. Soon the great and the good of the city are dropping like flies and a web of corruption and...

    April 4, 2022
  • JPV852

    Good albeit not great, this newest incarnation of Batman is well done if not also incredibly dark. I did like Robert Pattinson's portrayal and didn't employ the annoying voice that kind of ruined The Dark Knight and more so, The Dark Knight Rises. As a whole though I did like the plot (parts inspired by The Long Halloween) and a good supporting cast, with Paul Dano giving a creepy performance as The Riddler and looking forward to seeing more from Zoe Kravitz's Selina/Catwoman. 4.0/5

    April 18, 2022
  • Horseface

    I am so tired of superhero movies. Still, being down with a mild case of Corona, I wanted something to watch that'd go down easy, and The Batman was available, so I picked it.

    I have to say that this, to me, is one of the rare superhero movies that appeal to me. And that's after having seen every other Batman movie since Tim Burton's 1989 one. And, I dare say, even with me being fed up with superhero movies, I think this is the best attempt.

    At three hours, it feels like binge-watching a three-part miniseries. And by that I mean both that to the extent that it is three acts, they almost perfectly align with an hour each, and also that the pacing is great, and I never got bored.

    The cast is excellent. Also, for the first time ever, ...

    April 23, 2022
  • narrator56

    Oh boy, yet another review here on TMDB about this movie. What is it about comic books that garners so much interest? I am no longer a comic hero fan, either in movies or the source comic books. I have seen some of the Marvel series and the only one that I would watch multiple times if it came across my screen in Ant Man and the Wasp, with its wit, action and humor.

    I did read superhero comics as a kid, however. I stuck to DC comics. I especially liked the Legion of Superheroes, though I also read the Justice League, Superman and Batman. This was the Silver Age of comics, I believe, before they restarted and complicated the field with reimagining the comic universe (or whatever it is they did).

    Anyway, I was a DC boy so I gave The Bat...

    April 27, 2022
  • mahmus

    The Batman is the best live-action Batman movie yet. It's the type of Batman film I've been waiting for my whole life.

    It's dark and realistic, but also stylish and large-scale. It's not limited by a commitment to realism like the Dark Knight trilogy, nor is it burdened by a shared universe like the DCEU. It is its own thing. A moody, disturbing, visually stunning, David Fincher-inspired, three hour long detective epic with some of the best interpretations of the characters ever put on screen.

    Robert Pattinson is fantastic as a younger, moodier, and yes, more emo Batman. Paul Dano is straight up terrifying as the Riddler. Colin Farrell is unrecognisable in more ways than one as The Penguin and Zoë Kravitz is easily my favorite live-...

    April 29, 2022
  • kaycee2000

    The movie was one of the best Batman movies in my opinion, but, I honestly didn't like thus portrayal of Batman. This didn't feel like Batman, more like BatDude. Like a man in real life that grew up watching Batman and decided to fight crime under his name. Overall it is definitely worth the watch!

    April 29, 2022
  • TitanGusang

    Batman returns back to its detective roots, and it is a breath of fresh air. Robert Patterson is stunning as Batman. The twists and turns the new Riddler take is a fun ride.

    Verdict: Masterpiece

    June 30, 2022
  • Dark Jedi

    To be honest, this is a really good movie. Hang on? So why did I only give it 2 out of 5 stars? Well, this is really personal but, to me, it is not a good Batman movie. I really had problems writing this review because it is a very good movie. I just did not like it as a Batman movie.

    The movie is really dark, gritty and noir. Not really a problem. It works for some movies. But it is also quite slow at the beginning and the first quarter of the movie was actually boring. Remember, this is a three hour movie so a quarter is more than half an hour of boringness.

    The boringess was broken up by a pretty cool car chase. Some people seem to not really like the batmobile and I have to say that it was not very inspired but it was not all bad ...

    August 14, 2022
  • tmdb28039023

    The Batman is not a terribly bad movie, but it would be twice as good if it were half as long. How a film that likes to take shortcuts especially with the Riddlers riddles can still take almost three hours to get to where its going, I havent the foggiest (but then this is a rather strange enterprise that gives us Andy Serkis in the flesh and covers Colin Farrell in prosthetic makeup and a fat suit). Director/co-writer Matt Reeves very wisely avoids origin stories and takes for granted relationships, which have already been well established in a decades-long canon, between certain characters; on the other hand, he allows his movie to become bogged down at the halfway point in a deluge of backstory.

    The obvious problem is that there is e...

    August 27, 2022
  • Ditendra

    This was the worst Batman I have ever seen.

    Firstly, Robert Pattinson was the worst choice for the Batman role. In Twilight he was alright, but in Batman he definitely failed. He was more like a sad, depressed goth kid with no emotions. He tried too much to fit the role, but in fact we got this depressive, dead and empty Batman.

    Secondly, there were other small things that sucked about this movie, for example, Cat Woman had a very simple and stupid mask. Even older movie versions had a better mask than here. Batman's batmobile also sucked. Looked like a downgraded version. He also rode just a simple bike and lastly, he couldn't even glide with his default Batman suit. Also, don't know why but James Gordon was played by a black actor...

    August 27, 2022


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