The Adam Project

  • Adventure
  • Science Fiction

Past meets future.

After accidentally crash-landing in 2022, time-traveling fighter pilot Adam Reed teams up with his 12-year-old self on a mission to save the future.





  • Benzasayz

    The Adam Project is a sci-fi movie that takes you on a wild, CGI-filled flight that is out of this world-with futuristic technology that makes you excited but also afraid of what could come, The sci-fi elements look so realistic - as realistic as those can be - that it gives the impression that the cinematographers used time travel themselves to capture these scenes.

    Exceptional fight scenes that defy gravity. This film also takes you into some very realistic topics, too, like grieving for a loved one, being bullied by classmates and accepting who you are.

    Ryan Reynolds is in front of us with the same character he has been playing for the last 15 years. What really surprises me is the harmony of someone like Reynolds, who was in fron...

    March 22, 2022
  • bastag

    Full Analysis at - Intro - Released in March 2022, The Adam Project is a movie for those who love Sci-Fi, actions, CGI, and those who wish to change their past to let any regrets disappear. The Adam Project delivers a combination of funny entertainment and some meaningful messages. Ryan Reynolds and the director, Shawn Levy, are back together after the incredible success of Free Guy. - The Story - Adam Reed is a young boy grieving his fathers death and suffering the pains of bullying. Then, one night he found a wounded pilot in his dads garage. The intruder needs Adams help because he risked everything for a secret mission to be back in time. But, the operation cant fail because the world is in grave danger. The r...

    March 28, 2022
  • Radio1'sMr.Movie!-MadAmi

    " BACK -{ FROM }- THE FUTURE "

    A Netflix -{ MINI }- Review... Film Seen around March 27, 2022. It -{ ISN'T }- "very likely" to be released in Cinemas.( Made For STREAMING ).

    Ellie { Young Adam's Mom }: "This's the third time you've been suspended for fighting".

    Young Adam: "I know. You'd think I'd be better at it by now!!!"

    If you're someone who's presently in the mood to take a -Welcome- Break from all the doom and gloom on the news right now and watch a movie that comes "FULL-CIRCLE" in the most Enthralling, Engaging, and indeed -{ Heartwarming }- of ways . . . then I wish to -Wholeheartedly- recomme...

    April 22, 2022
  • TitanGusang

    Despite having shades of Back to the Future, The Adam Project finds a way to pave its own path to deliver a fun and heartwarming story about self-forgiveness. The movie starts incredibly strong, introducing the viewer to the main characters. The chemistry between the two actors is fantastic and feels really genuine, creating an instant connection between the two and the audience. Walker Scobell does an excellent job doing his best Ryan Reynolds impersonation, making me really buy into the fact that they are the same character. This pace carries on up until the second act when characters and lore are being thrown at the viewer left and right. This section feels incredibly rushed resulting in the viewer having very little emotional connec...

    July 7, 2022
  • mooney240

    Overall : Its sincere story results in one of Netflix's better original movies.

    A surprisingly heartfelt film that shocked me with how well it made me care for each of its characters. I watched this movie with low expectations due to Netflix's disappointing track record of mediocre original movies. Each actor felt typecast into roles they had played before but still delivered meaningful performances. The effects and production were fairly typical of a Netflix project. But even though I can't say each specific part of The Adam Project was particularly remarkable, the sum of all its parts was fantastic! The writing mixed with the cast's solid performances just equals something great. The standout by far was Walker Scobell's excellent portrayal of young Ryan Reynolds.

    August 19, 2022
  • robbiegrawey

    Ruffalo says old bean, good stuff.

    September 12, 2022
  • msbreviews

    If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free thoughts, please follow my blog :)

    "The Adam Project is the typical "streaming blockbuster", but one that manages to add some characterization and genuine emotion to its generic entertainment.

    Ryan Reynolds delivers a balanced performance - finally portraying a non-caricatured role of himself - and Shawn Levy steers the story through energetic, fast-paced action sequences. The filmmaker both plays and takes advantage of the cliches from time-travel movies.

    Ultimately, it's harmless, silly fun with a touch of sci-fi for any viewer to enjoy."

    Rating: B-

    December 27, 2022
  • r96sk

    A satisfactory flick featuring Ryan Reynolds.

    I got enough enjoyment from 'The Adam Project'. It isn't anything special as the film is missing a certain sort of spark to it, though the story is fun and allows for some interesting and rather sweet scenes; the latter is particularly true for the conclusion, which is well produced.

    Reynolds himself is solid in the lead role, his performance is more serious than funny but there are still a fair amount of amusing moments for him across the 100 or so minutes. Walker Scobell gives a good showing behind the main man, his comedic timing in the first few scenes really does mirror Reynolds'.

    Elsewhere on the cast, Mark Ruffalo, Zoe Saldaña and Jennifer Garner are decent. I will say that I fou...

    January 3, 2023


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