Wrinkles the Clown

  • Documentary

He's just a phone call away.

In Florida, parents can hire Wrinkles the Clown to scare their misbehaving children.



      • dalboz

        Since I already knew that I wouldnt be seeing Joker on opening weekend, I figured I could watch a documentary about a real-life creepy clown opening opposite. It doesnt disappoint, although at the same time it might not be entirely what you expected. Its very difficult to fully analyze this film without talking spoilers, but Im going to try.

        Do you remember all the real-life creepy clown sightings that were reported a little while ago? This film argues that they were inspired by the legend of Wrinkles the Clown, which is where this film becomes relevant and (sort of) timely.

        Wrinkles the Clown follows the exploits of a real-life urban legend. Wrinkles is a guy in a creepy clown costume who lives in Florida and hires himself out to sca...

        October 6, 2019
      • Ruuz

        Wrinkles the Clown is a documentary that could only exist in the form that it does in this era. I don't know if that's enough of a justification for what happens, but it's for sure something new.

        Final rating: - I liked it. Would personally recommend you give it a go.

        December 18, 2019
