Titanic II

  • Action
  • Thriller
  • Romance
  • Adventure

100 years later, lightning strikes twice.

On the 100th anniversary of the original voyage, a modern luxury liner christened "Titanic 2," follows the path of its namesake. But when a tsunami hurls an ice berg into the new ship's path, the passengers and crew must fight to avoid a similar fate.




      • tmdb28039023

        Titanic II is not a sequel to Titanic, but a movie about a second ship with that name. That's just asking for trouble. It's like being pope and calling oneself John Paul II (considering that John Paul I died on the thirty-third day of his papacy under mysterious circumstances. What? Too esoteric?).

        How many people would board a ship called Titanic II? Not many, despite the fact that a ship by that name would be no more or less likely to be in an accident than any ship by any other name in real life, that is. In a movie, on the other hand, it's another story or rather, it's the same story. We already know exactly what is going to happen. We know with a certainty approaching dread that the titular ship is going to hit an iceberg sooner o...

        August 28, 2022
      • Geronimo1967

        It's quite hilarious that on the day I decide to decline Amazon Prime's kind invitation to pay an additional 30%-odd for my annual ad-free subscription that this nonsense appears on my screen. It's not that they produced it, but it clearly demonstrates a compete lack of quality control assessment skills when they decided to offer it. The fact that the director or production team ever allowed this to leave the server in the first place is also quite a savage indictment on the studio too! It's a cheaply produced CGI drama that can't quite decide if it's "Titanic" or "The Poseidon Adventure" as a massive ice floe breaks free and threatens the ship. Luckily, Bruce Davison is airborne feeding his daughter Marie Westbrook sagely advice to avoid t...

        March 25, 2024


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