In the Tall Grass

  • Horror
  • Drama
  • Thriller

Some places have a mind of their own.

After hearing a child screaming for help from the green depths of a vast field of tall grass, Becky, a pregnant woman, and Cal, her brother, park their car near a mysterious abandoned church and enter the field, discovering that they are not alone and, for some reason, they are unable to escape a completely inextricable vegetable labyrinth.




  • dalboz

    In the Tall Grass is a Netflix film based on a short story/novella written by Stephen King and his son Joe Hill. A little disclosure that I have not read the original story, so I cant attest as to how faithful this film is, so Ill be looking at the movie on its own merits, as few as they may be.

    We start with two siblings, Cal and a pregnant Becky who are travelling through Kansas (a plus here is that we have a story from Stephen King that does not take place in Maine) when they pull over to the side of the road when Becky gets morning sickness and they hear a boy calling for help from the tall grass field on the side of the road. They get separated from each other and realize that something weird is going on, that travelling in one dire...

    October 8, 2019
  • themoviediorama

    In The Tall Grass is overgrown with flimsy dialogue and a premise that needed landscaping. Stephen King seems to have an endless amount of material to adapt. So much so, that his son is mimicking the footsteps of his father by also writing horror-related fiction. When the two generations joined together to write a novella on a mysterious field, it shouldve harked back to Kings legacy as the legendary writer he once was. Sadly though, despite the faithfulness to the source material, its yet another King story unable to translate comprehensibly into a full-length feature. Two siblings, with one six months pregnant, stop outside an old church and venture into an endless field of tall grass when they hear a child yearning for help. This field h...

    January 16, 2020
  • Ruuz

    Patrick Wilson is just all-out balls-to-the-wall hamming it crazy, and I am Here. For. That. I say that quite genuinely. But Stephen King adaptations have had quite the resurgence (in a good way) over the past couple of years, and In the Tall Grass just really doesn't hit that bar we've been getting recently. In terms of quality, I mean.

    Final rating:½ - Had a lot that appealed to me, didnt quite work as a whole.

    January 17, 2020


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