Set in the Aokigahara Forest, a real-life place in Japan where people go to end their lives. Against this backdrop, a young American woman comes in search of her twin sister, who has mysteriously disappeared.
Cool story, but I think it would've worked better as a psychological movie instead of a horror movie.
Frank Ochieng
The backbone of The Forests conception is probably more fascinating than the horror film in which the narrative is based upon. Some may be familiar with the backstory of the real Forest and its disturbing legendary reputation. Of course the reference is reserved for Japans Aokigahara Forest (a.k.a. Suicide Forest) at the geographical base of Mount Fuji where historically this has been the morbid albeit visually stimulating resting place for that countrys despair-ridden segmented population to gravitate in hopes of ending their lives among the smothering trees and twisty hiking paths. Although the Aokigahara Forest (also nicknamed The Sea of Tress) acts as the last tranquil location for those desperate souls that want to meet their spiri...
I gained absolutely nothing from this experience bar the knowledge that Natalie Dormer makes for an attractive goth.
Final rating:½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid if possible.
I would rather peel a raw onion and squeeze the juices into my eyes than watch recent horror movies coming out of Hollywood at the moment. WHY DO YOU STILL HAVE NO IMAGINATION AND JUST RELY ON CHEAP SHITTY JUMP SCENES WITH WANK PLOTS?!
Okay. GRR.
Random lady gets a casual phone call advising her sister has gone into the suicide forest and its been 48 hours so shes presumed as a suicide and theyre not going to look for her. Absolutely fuck all background into any character at this point so I dont know them from Adam.
The twin sister goes out to find her sister in Japan and instead of heading right to the mission, goes for some sushi and is that arsed about her quest is more bothered that the fish shes been given is raw. Fuck off. In ...
The Forest was certainly an interesting concept but was very poorly executed; riddled with unnecessary jump scares as well as simply being poorly directed the film just flops. The ending left much more to be desired as well. On the bright side, Natalie Dormer is some great eye candy.