Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

  • Horror
  • Thriller

For the first time you will see the activity.

Using a special camera that can see spirits, a family must protect their daughter from an evil entity with a sinister plan.





  • Frank Ochieng

    There are certain film franchises that just cannot take a hint and go away. The idea of milking the stale novelty of the on-going queasy saga of repetitive horrifying hedonism is something that both the movie-makers and movie-goers are guilty of perpetrating that ultimately feeds into the chronic sequelitis of misbegotten movies refusing to surrender the spotlight. This is definitely indicative of the Paranormal Activity movie series that stretched its one-time legitimate creepy credibility into a tired and tacky frightfest that overstayed its welcome. Hence, the arrival of the latest extension in the veteran found footage phenom machine entitled Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension. Basically, audiences needed another Paranormal Activi...

    October 25, 2015
  • AhmadZQ

    One step forward and two steps back! The Ghost Dimension seeks to breathe new life into a tired brand, but its fresh take ultimately hurts the franchise more than it helps. The concept of a special camera that can see spirits may have seemed intriguing at first, but in practice, it runs counter to the entire premise of the Paranormal Activity franchise . After all, its far more unsettling to speculate about what a demon may look like than actually seeing one. Moreover, the horror element is diminished if the audience knows the demons next move; the film becomes little more than a collection of cheap scares tossed in for effect. The story is poorly written; the characters are among the franchises most inept yet, and theyll make you scratch y...

    November 2, 2022
  • SoSmooth1982

    They at least made this movie to connect with the previous ones. A new family moves into the house where the girls lived 20 years ago.

    July 25, 2023


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