
  • Action
  • Thriller
  • Science Fiction

Part man, part machine, all cop.

In a violent, near-apocalyptic Detroit, evil corporation Omni Consumer Products wins a contract from the city government to privatize the police force. To test their crime-eradicating cyborgs, the company leads street cop Alex Murphy into an armed confrontation with crime lord Boddicker so they can use his body to support their untested RoboCop prototype. But when RoboCop learns of the company's nefarious plans, he turns on his masters.





  • Ruuz

    Ahhh, 1987, what a year for cinema. Not the least of which is Paul Verhoeven's incredible feat of practical effects engineering: RoboCop. This is one of those older movies where I can totally confirm for you, my love for it is in no way rooted in nostalgia. I didn't watch RoboCop for the first time until 2013, when I was starting up my third decade of life. It's a phenomenal example of the period, but its also a great movie on its own.

    Final rating: - Very strong appeal. A personal favourite.

    March 18, 2018
  • John Chard

    They'll fix you. They fix everything.

    On his first day out on the streets of Detroit, Officer Murphy is brutally killed by known thug leader, Clarence Boddicker. Scientists at OCP are able to use what remains of Murphy's body and build a new heavily armed cyborg police officer, one that could rid the streets of crime forever.

    Paul Verhoeven has been called many things in his career, bonkers, challenging and visionary, here with his first perceived block buster American feature, he showcases all of those things. Robocop on the page (and with its title) looked like your average run of the mill sci-fi shoot them up, with its basic premise not exactly oozing originality either. But Verhoeven had screenwriter's Edward Neumeier & Michael Mi...

    May 12, 2019
  • JPV852

    Seen this several times over the years and still holds up well, story and satire wise, though certainly some of the effects were dated (in particular the death of one character falling out a window). Other than that, an entertaining and bloody 1980s action-thriller, where the sequels and a remake, and certainly the third entry, could not touch. Would like to think the proposed RoboCop Returns will succeed where other failed, but don't hold out much hope. 4.25/5

    November 21, 2019
  • Geronimo1967

    Peter Weller is policeman "Murphy" who doesn't make it through his first day on patrol is the brutally lawless Detroit. Luckily for him, though, the "Omni" company has been developing plans for a semi-automated, heavily armed super cop - and pretty smartly he has been fused into this pretty amazing - if totally clunky - body armour that enables him to carry out his new duties with our fear of injury. Pretty soon, though, he discovers that he is amidst a web of corruption. Can he stay alive, keep his partner "Anne" (Nancy Allen) safe and thwart the evil plot that may well be tied into the criminals who left him for dead in the first place? Plenty of action and pyrotechnics follow as the story marches along to it's pretty obvious conclusion. ...

    May 30, 2022
  • drystyx

    I'd buy that for a dollar and a dime. Outbid them fair and square. This is one of the Verhoeven masterpieces. It's a bit of action and a bit of parody, and a lot of "in your face" directing that puts Verhoeven a step above Tarantino, because Tarantino actually makes fun of the geeks in the audience with one dimensional characters, while Verhoeven gives multiple dimensions to everyone. Here, we have a police force that is collapsing to crime that is idolized. Talk about seeing the future! Big business claims they run the police force by equipping them like they do the military. One little cop, Murphy, runs afoul of the most dangerous criminal, and this criminal is something else. He will probably make you laugh with his nerdy look and...

    April 18, 2023


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