Low-key Southern Gothic about a struggling family living by the swamps of western Florida
An emotionally-detached Vietnam vet making a living as a beekeeper on the boggy panhandle of Florida (Peter Fonda) deals with grief, the meaninglessness of life, his son in prison (Tom Wood), a drug-addled daughter-in-law (Christine Dunford), a rebellious granddaughter (Jessica Biel), a new neighbor (Patricia Richardson) and a couple of thugs from Orlando (Steven Flynn and Dewey Weber).
"Ulees Gold" (1997) is a slice-of-life Southern Gothic that could be mentioned in the same breath as Ode to Billy Joe (1976), The Man in the Moon (1991), Sling Blade (1996), The Apostle (1997) Undertow (2004), Back Roads (2018) and The Devil All the Time (20...